Save the Date! May 19 is the third annual “Dancing with the Lake Sunapee Stars”.
This year’s Center for the Arts fundraiser will be held at the Sawyer Theater at Colby-Sawyer College. It will feature a fun-filled and exciting evening beginning at 5:30 PM with cocktails and silent auction followed by the showtime at 7:00 PM.
All proceeds from the evening will help fund community arts programs, arts education, and scholarships for students in the Lake Sunapee region.
Last year’s show was very successful with over 300 people attending the event and voting for the “People’s Choice Award”. Preceding the show, attendees enjoyed a reception and placed their bids on wonderful silent auction items including a vacation at Disney World!
This year’s auction and show will be equally exciting with encore performances by last year’s dancers, as well as performances by Kearsarge Conservatory of the Performing Arts and the Dance Arts Academy.
This year’s “Stars” have taken on the challenge to dance with professional dance partners in this fun filled competition. The choreography is completed and rehearsals have begun.
Our 2018 “STARS” Lynne Grinsell, an attorney from Sutton; Shelly Hudson, the producing artistic director of Amplified Arts in Claremont; Brian Kellogg, a Physics Teacher at KRHS; New London’s Lyndsay Lund, a member of the Budget Committee and digital media specialist: Caleb Parsons a member of SKIT and a barista at Schoodacs in Warner; and Jorgie Ingram and Nic Malecha both students at KRHS and the Kearsarge Conservatory of Performing Arts.
Admission of $30 advance, $25 CFA members, $35 at the door, will include a cocktail reception with cash bar and complimentary hors d’oeuvres, a chance to bid on many silent auction items featuring goods and services, an opportunity to vote for your favorite Star, and of course the show itself, complete with judging, comments, and trophies!
New this year is a $50 VIP ticket which will include preferred seating at the show and a post-show reception.
Remember to put May 19 on your calendar!
Sponsorships and Auction Donations are welcome and appreciated! All sponsors will be acknowledged and Auction Items will be posted online at beginning May 5.
Please contact us at 526-4444 or for more information and to be included in this year’s program book.
Tickets will be available soon at Morgan Hill Bookstore, Tatewell Gallery and online at .