1879 town hall returning to role   as Andover’s community center

Press Release
TAKING A BREATHER after a morning of work in The Hub crawl space to help seal the building from unwanted guests are two of The Hub’s owners, Steve Darling and Deb Brower.

So how are things going at The Andover Hub (the new name for Andover’s 1879 town hall) these days?

That was the question the Beacon posed to the folks who are working to return The Hub  to its original purpose as a center of community activity.

The short answer: Very well, as a result of lots of hard work, and lots of interest in uses of the space.  Yet more work and interest are required.

A longer answer, as supplied by the Hub partners:  First, some of the work that’s been done since the building acquired its new owners in late 2016:

Cleared out all the office equipment, etc., that was left behind
Completed some exterior painting
Removed all carpeting
Plugged up all holes in stone foundation
Installed motion sensor lights at each exit
Improved stairs to dance studio
Improved air-conditioning of dance studio
Installed new access hardware with combination lock
Repaired old boiler
Repaired all baseboard registers (41 leaks soldered)
Installed flood lights
Created new exterior signage
Leveled up dance studio floor
Created exhibit space for artwork and photography
Replaced ceiling fixtures in meeting room
Replaced ceiling fixtures on second floor
Reinforced support of rear roof and dance studio ceiling
Eliminated varmint access and residency
Fixed urinal, replaced toilet seats
Reinforced gate to back staircase in dance studio
Sanded floors on main level
Installed new electric hot-water heater
Repainted hallway and meeting rooms

Second, a list of programs, workshops and other events that have occurred or been scheduled since September of last year:

Yoga (3 teachers)
Tai Chi
Karate lessons
“Coffee at the Hub”
“Christmas is for Kids” party
Bone Builders
Personal exercise training
Weekly ongoing crafts group
Twice-weekly “coffee and conversation” sessions
Dinnerware decoupage
Needle felting
Ukrainian Easter egg decorating
Dog training
Music with Friends (for little kids and their caregivers)
Computer help
German conversation hour
VNA presentation — How to Prevent Falls
VNA presentation — How to Keep your Brain Sharp
VNA senior health clinic
Weekly cribbage night
Individual counseling sessions
Music lessons
The Hub Closet — upcycled craft supplies
Paint & Sip
Birthday party rental
Baby shower rental
Board meetings of community organizations
Meanwhile, Hub partners say, the need for additional repair/rehab/restoration work continues, as does the need to identify new sources of revenue, volunteer support and programming.  Stay tuned for details, or contact andovercommunityspace@nullgmail.com for more information.