4th of July Celebration Sucessful in Spite of the Heat

Press Release
The American Legion Crosby/Gilbert Post 101 in Andover N.H. raised the American Flag on the Village Green as part of the ceremonies for the 4th of July celebration. Pictured left to right are Lloyd Perreault and Bill Leber.(not pictured are Levi Southworth and Don Clendenen)
Members of the Andover American Legion Post aboard one of many floats in the Annual Andover 4th of July Celebration parade. Crowds turned out in spite of the extreme heat and humidity of the day. See related story on Page 3.
The weather cooled down nicely in time for the fireworks which were viewed from Carr Field and from the Andover Elementary/Middle School. Photos: Bob Norander

Hot! Hot! Hot!  Who can say that the  Andover 4th of July Committee can’t wish for hot weather for the 4th? Our wish certainly came true this year and then some! Nothing can keep a good town down though. Everyone stayed close to their liquids and cool, tasty treats. All aspects of Andover’s 4th of July celebration were in top form. From all indications, everything went better than anticipated. That’s because Andover is a town that supports our nation and one another.
This year’s parade was as good as ever with 35 entries. The floats were spectacular! They reflected hours of work and imagination in following this year’s theme, Old Glory: Our American Flag. Parade winners were as follows:
  Grand Prize: East Andover Village Preschool
      First Prize: Andover Congregational Church
      Second Prize: Salisbury Sestercentennial – 250th
      Third Prize: Andover Fish & Game Club
  Antique Cars:
      First Prize: Roger Gross – 1959 Corvette
      Second Prize: Steve & Tricia Rosen – 1930 Model A-Ford Cabriolet
      Third Prize: Tim & Pat Foster – 1966 Cady Sedan Deville
Other Vehicles:
      First Prize: Mac Johnson – 1938 John Deere L
      Second Prize: Roger Gross – 2017 Corvette
      Third Prize: Melinda Johnson – 1946 IH Farmall A
      First Prize: Sandra – Lola (Horse)
It takes many volunteers and hours of hard work to make the Andover 4th of July celebration happen. We are grateful for the help of each and every one. Also, thank you to the parade judges: Julie Cooper, Michelle Lebrecque, Kathy Ederson, Faith Clendenen, George Hashem, Marcy Vierzen, Cathy Ellis, and  Samantha Pelletier. Special thanks once again for the patience and skill of Michelle Gage & Mike Evleth for lining up the parade. Over on the Village Green we had help from Jim Henderson who delivered and picked up the trash cans; and many thanks again to Toby Locke who has been setting up the reviewing stand for as long as anyone can remember! And where would we be without the two gentlemen on the reviewing stand, Bob Ward & Steve Smith? Thank you also to Garrett Niemyer for his wonderful rendition of the National Anthem and to Nancy Tripp & Margo Coolidge for their rousing patriotic medley.
Besides the many non-profits and vendors selling food and their wares, there was the Firecracker 5K Foot Race, the Hillbilly Scramble men’s softball game & the women’s softball game at Blackwater Park.
Music and refreshments (expertly cooked by Rob French) were available all afternoon on the Village Green. At dusk, American Thunder Fireworks put on a fireworks display that brought in people from miles around.
The committee is forever grateful to Proctor Academy for their many resources, manpower and facilities provided to us! And, of course, thank you to all our committee members, longtime and new, for your many hours of service!  This year, as in the past, we have had a great time working together to make the 4th of July celebration a special event for our community. Anyone interested in joining us in the fun, come to a meeting. We meet the first Wednesday of each month at the Andover Fire Station at 7 PM. Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, October 3.