Andover Conservation Commission
Special Meeting about Elbow Pond Rd. Culvert Repair Project
October 3, 2018, 7 PM
Final Minutes
Persons present:
Conservation Commission Members: Mary Anne Broshek,.Tina Cotton, Alan McIntyre, Jerry Hersey, Jesse Schust
Town of Andover Select Board: Vicky Mishcon
Residents and Landowners: Betty and Bill Bardsley, Andy Prokosch, Joanne Edgar, Greg Walsh
Hoyle, Tanner and Associates Environmental Consultants: Kimberly Peace, Josef Bicja (Engineer)
Purpose of this meeting: The select board wishes to proceed with repairs to the Culvert on Elbow Pond Road. Because the area of impact will include an area of designated Prime Wetland, Hoyle, Tanner & Associates consultants must get the Conservation Commission to provide a letter of approval before the design and wetlands application can be submitted to the state for review.
Presentation by Hoyle, Tanner & Associates (HTA):
Kimberly explained the process by which the culvert was damaged during last October’s storm. The foundation of the culvert was undermined (the blocks were set on the streambed). The size of the culvert was correct, but the footing and abutment were impacted because the foundation was not deep enough.
The culvert repair will have temporary impacts on the wetlands (a few weeks). Once the repair is complete, the stream bed and culvert size will be the same as it was previously, but the culvert will be much better protected against storm events. The functions of the wetland will not change as a result of this temporary impact.
There is a copy of the wetland evaluation by a wetland scientist in the application. The culvert will be set up as a flat level one – just like before. The blocks that are there will be reused (the old blocks will make up 1/3 of the materials used in the repaired culvert). Another 2/3 of materials used to repair the culvert will be brought in from elsewhere. The bottom of the whole structure will be clean firm stone gravel fill, and then the blocks will be set on top of that.
The dewatering process will allow time for the wetland creatures to escape before the work begins. The process of sandbagging both sides in order to dewater will allow the work to take place in a dry location. The projected time scale is just a few weeks.
The beaver deceivers will be left intact (little or no movement of the equipment will be required).
The intention of HTA is to submit this application tomorrow (October 4th) if the Conservation Commission will approve of this project tonight. Because this is a Prime Wetland, the process requires this. There is a different process if a repair takes place in wetland that is not a Prime Wetland.
HTA has asked DES for a waiver of a public hearing. The Select Board felt this was appropriate.
John Thompson will be obligated to use the stamped design provided by the engineer. HTA will be involved and will look at the implementation and approve the final result.
HTA checked about whether or not to remove the gravel bar that came from the culvert into the Prime Wetland downstream. There is a design proposal of planting live speckled alder to help to stabilize this gravel bar.
The plan keeps the width of the culvert the same in order to avoid focusing the water through that location because of the scour pool that would result. This is a dynamic system with three different locations that water passes under the road (the bridge, the western culvert and the culvert being repaired).
The plan would be to do the repair this autumn, before the winter freezes things up.
Questions from the Public:
Andy voiced concern about a sump pump running 24 hours a day. He stated that this would become a noise nuisance. Vicky suggested that Andy could check with the Braley’s about what the pump was like on Morrill Road (where another damaged culvert was recently repaired). HTA stated that the pump would be running only as necessary- not all the time.
Concerns were voiced about what would happen if the weather became a problem (with freezing or flooding). HTA would work with the Town to stabilize the site and evaluate the best way to proceed. The backfill could be a problem because of frost-heaves, but it still could be worked with.
Questions were raised about the funding for the project. FEMA has provided funding that should cover a significant amount of the costs (likely the full amount). Josef estimates $180K if using a contractor, but much less for Andover because we’re using the Road Agent and Highway Dept. to do the work. HTA discussed the plans with FEMA and the Town. As a result, the work was designed to meet the funding requirements of FEMA and the needs of the town. Eventually, FEMA agreed to fund the improved foundation (which they were initially reluctant to fund).
Bill asked how likely it was that the western culvert might fail. Josef replied that the culvert survived the last major event that impacted on the eastern culvert. There is no indication that the western culvert is likely to fail, even though it is constructed in a similar manner.
It was noted that the east bridge is currently posted with a weight limit and there are plans to replace this in the near future.
Letter of Approval:
In the interests of time, Kimberly prepared a draft letter for the Conservation Commission to adapt before the meeting. Jesse made small changes in the draft letter and brought printed copies of the letter to the meeting.
The Conservation Commission reviewed the letter and Tina proposed that the Commission accept the letter as printed. Jesse seconded the proposal. All were in favor and no comments or questions were raised.
Mary Anne signed the letter and expressed that her main concern is to have HTA involved and reviewing the way the work progresses.
Mary Anne asked that abutters and neighbors contact the Select Board, the Conservation Commission or HTA if they see any issues that concern them.
Alan proposed that the meeting adjourn, Jerry seconded the motion and all were in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 7:43 PM