Chapin Senior Center November Programs

Press Release

Tom & Tom’s Men’s Discussion Group – Mondays at 8:45 AM
We want to hear your stories and we’ll share a few of our own. Come visit over an endless cup of coffee! This is a walk-in program.

French Discussion Group – First and Third Mondays at 4:15 PM
Join this casual, friendly group to practice your language skills and have fun. Participants at all skill levels are welcome! This is a walk-in program.

Chair Exercises – Mondays and Fridays at 10:15 AM
This low impact exercise program is perfect for those looking for an easy, effective exercise routine. This is a walk-in program.

Walking at Proctor Academy Gym – Monday through Friday at 8:30 to 10 AM
Please call COA at 526-6368 for more information. This is a walk-in program.

Outdoor Recreation for Seniors – Tuesdays at 10 AM
Join this active group to bike, hike, kayak and more! Please see the scheduled listed in this newsletter or call COA at 526-6368.

Memoir Writing Group – Tuesdays at 10 AM
This is a walk-in program.

Walk-In Painting Group – Tuesdays at 1 PM
Bring your current painting project to work on. This is an informal group and we’d love to have you join us. This is a walk-in program.

Shamablla Reiki with Linda Luck – Fourth Tuesday (November 27)
Appointments from 10 to 3:30 PM
Linda Luck of “Lady Luck Healing Therapies” will be accepting appointments for Shamablla Reiki at the Chapin Senior Center on the fourth Tuesday of each month.  During the Reiki sessions, Linda will be checking the Chakras (energy centers) of clients to look for blockages in their energy system. Upon the completion of the session, she will review what was found concerning the Chakras and give the client paperwork explaining what any blockages mean for the client’s health and what can be done about it.  Shamballa Reiki works on energy concerned with mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health. Sessions are 15 minutes in length and the cost is $15 per session. Please contact the COA at 526-6368 for an appointment.


Friends Program Bone Builders Exercise Classes
Tuesdays and Fridays at 10 to 11 AM
This senior exercise program helps strengthen bone, build muscle and improve balance. You can exercise while seated or standing using small hand weights. Classes are held in the Newbury Heights Community Room, 52 Newbury Heights Road, Newbury. This is a walk-in program.

Needlework Craft Group – Wednesdays at 1 to 3 PM
Love to cross stitch, do needlework, quilt, knit or crochet? We do, too! We’d love to chat, laugh, and get to know the folks who enjoy the same hobbies we enjoy. Please join us! This is a walk-in program.

Tai Chi – Wednesdays at 2:30 PM
Kearsarge Community Presbyterian Church, New London, NH. This is a walk-in program.

Caregiver Support and Discussion Group – Fourth Thursdays at 1:30PM
Group will be meeting November 15 due to the Thanksgiving holiday.
There is no instruction manual for being a caregiver! Join this peer-led group to learn tips, strategies and advice from those experiencing the same challenges and rewards. Please call COA at 526-6368 to register.

Women’s Discussion Group – Fridays at 9 AM
Get to know your neighbors over a casual cup of coffee. Join friends, new and old, to visit, chat and share! This is a walk-in program.

Bingo! – Fridays at 2 PM
Ten games for $5. Ten bingo sheets with 6 cards on each sheet. Participants must be 55 years old and older.

Bridge – Duplicate Bridge – Mondays at 12:45 PM and Wednesdays at 9:15AM
Contract Bridge – Thursdays at 9:30 AM

Poker – Tuesdays a 2 PM
Hand and Foot Card Game– Wednesdays at 1 PM
Mahjong – Fridays at 12:30 PM

Money Smarts for Older Adults
Thursday, November 1 at 1 PM
Presented by Bar Harbor Bank
Learn important points to consider in planning for a more secure financial future, including how to guard against identify theft and other forms of financial exploitation, as well as how to prepare for unexpected life events. Please call COA at 526-6368 to register.

VNA Foot Care Clinic at COA
Friday, November 2 & November 9 at 9:30am-1:00pm
$25 Please call COA at 526-6368 to schedule an appointment.

Computer Class with Laura Thompson  
Saturday, November 3 at 9 to 11 AM
(1/2 hour appointments beginning at 9 AM)
Are you looking for answers to questions about basic computer and iPad skills?  Sign up for a one-on-one half hour session by calling 526-6368.

Blood Pressure Clinic
Monday, November 5 at 9:3 AM
This is a walk-in program.

Parkinson’s Support Group – Tuesday, November 6 at 1 PM
You are invited to join this lively, welcoming and supportive group! This is a walk-in program.

Movie Matinee – Thursday, November 8 at  PM
“Mamma Mia!”
Donna (Meryl Streep), an independent hotelier in the Greek islands, is preparing for her daughter’s wedding with the help of two old friends. Meanwhile Sophie, the spirited bride, has a plan. She secretly invites three men from her mother’s past in hope of meeting her real father and having him escort her down the aisle on her big day. Please call COA at 526-6368 to register.

Morning Book Group – Tuesday, November 13th at 9:3 AM
The One-in-a Million Boy by Monica Wood
The incandescent story of a 104-year-old woman and the sweet, strange young boy assigned to help her around the house. A friendship that touches each member of the boys’ unmoored family. This is a walk-in program. Please call COA at 526-6368 to obtain a book.

Humanist, Agnostic, Atheist Discussion Group
Thursday, November 15 at 1:30 PM
Welcome to those who are interested in delving into a variety of humanist and non-theist topics. We share our knowledge and experiences related to the challenging questions of religions, spirituality, and how they influence our lives. Using reason, critical thinking, and honest examination, we do our best to approach personal truths. Bring your thoughts, your questions, and an open mind, and join our lively, respectful monthly discussions. This is a walk-in program.

Healthy Living for Your Brain and Body
Thursday, November 15 at  1 PM
Presented by Carrie Amorim Good, MSW Program Coordinator, State of NH Alzheimer’s Association. Sponsored by Summercrest & the Alzheimer’s Association.
For centuries, we’ve known that the health of the brain and the body are connected. But now, science is able to provide insights into how to make lifestyle choices that may help you keep your brain and body healthy as you age. Join us to learn about research in the areas of diet and nutrition, exercise, cognitive activity and social engagement, and use hands-on tools to help you incorporate these recommendations into a plan for healthy aging. Please pre-register with the Alzheimer’s Association by November 13 at 1-800-272-3900.

Genealogy Assistance
Are you interested in learning more about your family history?  Have you tried climbing your family tree without much success? Have you hit a brick wall in your research?  Do you even know how to begin tracing your ancestry? Would you like to join one of the legacy societies: Mayflower, Daughters of the American Revolution, Sons of the American Revolution, etc.? Marilyn Soper, a resident of New London and Newbury, is a member of the NH Society of Genealogists, a researcher at the NH Historical Society, and a volunteer at the NH Vital Records office in Concord.  She is also a member of the General Society of Mayflower Descendants and of the Mercy Hathaway White Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. As an amateur genealogist, she is willing to volunteer her time to consult individually or in small groups with those interested in doing their own genealogical research. While the goal would vary with each person’s interests and desires, the hope would be to develop a documented family tree going back several generations or to complete the appropriate application for membership in one of the many legacy societies. Please call Karen at 526-6368 if interested.