Another Paint & Sip Offered at the Andover Hub

Friday, January 11

Press release
Would-be artists at an October 26 “Paint & Sip” at The Andover Hub worked hard on their paintings, with local artist Molly Leith (center, standing) leading participants through the experience of painting their own versions of Henri Matisse’s “Morocco Landscape.”

The next in a series of “Paint & Sips” will be offered on Friday, January 11,  from 6–8 PM. Participants are invited to have a glass of wine, grab a paintbrush and uncork their creative sides for a sociable and fun evening under the guidance of Andover artist Molly Leith and using a well-known work of art for inspiration. The fee of $25 includes wine, soda, snacks and art supplies.  Space is limited and advance registration is required at

Local residents or organizations who might be interested in hosting a private “Paint & Sip” event at The Hub for a group of friends or members are also welcome to contact for details.