Merger of Andover Hub and Andover Community Association Complete

Press Release

MERGER COMPLETE– Founding members of a new Andover organization called The Andover Community Hub  were photographed moments after their first official meeting in January. Front row, from left: Susan Chase, Gisela Darling, Jay Fitzpatrick.  Rear, Grace Schust, Steve Darling, Paul Currier, Larry Chase. Absent: Deb Brower, Pat Cutter.

The Community Hub brings together the Andover Community Association, which had non-profit status but no physical facility of its own, and The Andover Hub, which had a physical facility — Andover’s old town hall, where the photo was taken — but no non-profit status.  The new organization has both.

Among the first orders of business:  forming a governing board representative of all segments of the community, and identifying new sources of revenue for building renovations and maintenance.   Area residents interested in supporting The Community Hub through donations of time, funding and/or expertise may contact the organization via email at