Andover’s Town officials have heard many complaints about issues surrounding construction projects, additions, improvement projects, old vehicles, unregistered vehicles, “eyesores,” outside storage, and related concerns that have grown to a point when action needs to take place.
Over the past several years, the Andover Select Board along with the Planning and Zoning Boards, Police and Fire Departments, the Conservation Commission, and the Town’s legal counsel have reviewed the Town’s Ordinance and procedures to assure the Town is in compliance with Town and State regulations.
Town Officials will begin to enforce the violations that have not complied with past permitted uses, safety concerns, environmental, and overall infringement violations. Procedures are in place for residents to follow that allow the Town’s Officials to enforce these ordinances and regulations.
A list of violations/violators has been created, some old, some new. A violator will be contacted in writing and be asked to fix the violation, with adequate time to correct the problem. If the issue persists, a second letter, outlining the solution and the potential fines will be clearly stated. Finally, if no corrective action is taken or a plan is not in place, the Town Officials may take legal action.
If you have a question or are planning a project, please contact a staff member in the Town Office. Pat Moyer, Zoning Administrator, and Marj Roy, Town Administrator, are available to assist and guide you with projects and questions. Each has posted office hours and can be reached by phone at 735-5332. Pat can also be reached by e-mail at and Marj at
The overriding intent is to logically approach each situation with common sense and to work with the property owners involved. Help us help you – a quick call or visit to Town Hall with Pat or Marj can be the solution before it develops into frustration and unnecessary worry.