Andover School Board

By Judith Turk

Andover School Board Meeting Minutes
JUNE 4, 2019.
Condensed from approved minutes:

Roll call and call to order:  The meeting was called to order at 6:30 PM. by Board Chair, Dean Barker.

Board Members Present:  Dean Barker, Brian Gilman, Adam Jones, Theresa Georges and Aimee Menard.
Administration Present:  Mark MacLean, Randy Wormald, Robin Heins, Jane Slayton and Judith Turk.
Public Present:  Tina Cotton 
Minutes of Previous Meetings:
For the Public Session of April 2, 2019, Aimee motioned to accept the minutes and Brian made the second.  All were in favor and the minutes were approved with no discussion.For the NON-PUBLIC SESSION of April 2, 2019, Aimee motioned to accept the minutes and Brian made the second.  The minutes date was edited from April 3 to April 2. All were in favor and the minutes were approved with no further discussion.

Public Comment:  None

Finance Report::   Aimee motioned to approve the financial report.  Theresa made the second. All were in favor and the report was approved. 

Board Chairperson’s Report::  Dean acknowledged and thanked the administration and staff for their continued efforts with end of school year activities including field trips, Share Day and other events.

Principal’s Report:  

Jane relayed information about a recent meeting that she participated in with the Andover Emergency Management Committee.  They continue to encourage Andover Elementary Middle School to acquire a generator for the purpose of the building becoming qualified as a community emergency shelter.  She also spoke about a successful Share Day (30th Anniversary), Arts Month at AE/MS including student participation in a local Art Show as well as at a Music Festival, the eighth grade trip to New York City, the Science Space Exposition, transition activities with eighth graders entering Merrimack Valley High School and Andover student participation in the Spring Track Meet of Champions.  Graduation was held on June 20 at 6:30 PM.

            Old Business:.   
Reserving Grant Funds:  Robin and Mark described Phase 2 of the AE/MS Building Project which involves PSI reserved grant funding that can be utilized to complete some other site work.  They provided a list of anticipated items on the premises to be addressed. The remaining money will be returned to the fund balance. Adam made the motion to utilize up to $105,000 from the unassigned balance fund from June 30, 2019, for the completion of the Andover Elementary School Phase 2 site project.  Theresa made the second. All were in favor and the motion was passed with no further discussion.


New Business

OBM Form:  In the case of the Superintendent’s inability to sign any necessary forms for the Department of Education Office of Business Management, authorization must be given to other designees in the SAU Office to provide signatures.  Aimee made the motion to approve the authorized personnel listed on the OBM form in the event of the Superintendent’s absence. Adam made the second and the motion was approved.

 August Board Meeting: 

 Aimee made the motion to hold the next Andover School Board Meeting on Tuesday, August 13.  Adam made the second and all were in favor.

ASD/MVSD Tuition Agreement Review:  Mark stated that as a follow up to a discussion at April’s Board Meeting, a Joint Review Panel is being created for the purpose of reviewing the current agreement that expires in 2024.  Both Adam and Brian have volunteered to represent Andover during the discussion. Theresa made the motion to assign members to join the Review Panel.  Adam made the second and the motion was approved.


Manifest Journal Entries Signing:    Brian made the motion to approve the journal entries.  Aimee made the second. All were in favor and the journal entries were approved with no discussion.

Superintendent’s Report:  Mark requested authorization from the ASB to hire, offer and execute contracts over the summer if employment opportunities occur.  Adam made the motion to empower the Superintendent to hire new staff and execute contracts as needed up until the September Board Meeting. Theresa made the second and the motion was approved.  Mark also spoke of increased transition activities for incoming students to Merrimack Valley High School.

Assistant Superintendent’s Report:  Randy presented the Andover School District Data Governance Manual to the Board.  The manual was developed by the SAU for the purpose of remaining in compliance with current legislation regarding student data privacy.  Aimee made the motion to accept the Andover School District Data Governance Manual in support of HB 1612 which refers to the security of data in school systems and school operations.  Brian made the second. All were in favor and the manual was accepted.