Andover School Board Minutes, January 7, 2020

By Judith Turk, Assistant Principle

Board Present: Dean Barker, Brian Gilman, Theresa Georges, Adam Jones, and Aimee Menard
Administration Present: Mark MacLean, Robin Heins, Jane Slayton and Judith Turk
Public Present: Tina Cotton
Board Chairperson’s Report 

Dean thanked everyone for their participation in various activities including the budget preparation process and committee and interview involvement. He encouraged attendance at the budget meeting to be held at the Town Hall on January 8. He wished everyone a Happy New Year.
Principal’s Report 

Jane thanked the community for their generosity and contributions to the families of AE/MS during the holiday season. She gave a special thanks to Gail Parenteau who facilitated the distribution of the donations in a confidential manner. The Ski/Skate Program is underway. The Spelling and Geography Bees will be held within the next couple of weeks. The fifth grade will be participating in the Kid Governor Inauguration Event on January 17. Graduation is scheduled for June 18.
New Business
2020-2021 Calendar

Discussion took place regarding future voting days and potential alternate locations for the community. Dean advocates to continue to pursue Blizzard Bags for inclement weather days. Aimee motioned to approve the AE/MS 2020-2021 proposed school calendar as presented. Brian made the second and the calendar was accepted.
Proctor Gift

A $15,000 donation was presented from Proctor Academy that will be utilized to provide mental health/wellness, substance abuse prevention and awareness education, and professional development opportunities. This will include the continuation of the Project Success program for middle school students and bringing in guest speakers regarding these issues. The AE/MS community and Andover School Board are grateful for this gift to support the students..
Superintendent’s Report 

Mark stated that the new teacher meetings are almost completed. Check-ins are focusing on offering support and feedback regarding orientation, the mentoring program, and other questions, concerns, and challenges. Mark hopes to extend this opportunity to high school seniors. He also spoke of the current busy budget season.