It is really hard to sum up the first month of school at AE/MS. It has been one of those moments where we were surprised and not surprised that students were able to come back to school and easily follow the new routines put into place.
In the beginning, the idea that students would be able to wear masks, social distance, and easily adjust to the new routines at school was one that many thought would be a lot to ask of the students. Once school began, we quickly saw how easily they fell into the new routine, and as much as we wondered if they could, we were not surprised that they did. In true form, students at AE/MS have stepped up to the challenge.
We all also knew that students would need more to keep them feeling like school was still school. While some students have been able to participate in school sports this fall, adding some new non-athletic activities has taken some time to plan for the students who are still looking for that extra outlet at school. It is exciting to be able to say that a couple of new opportunities are now on the horizon.
A recess time, socially distanced Pokemon Club has been formed to add to the possible extra curricular activities in the school. It is allowing students to have some social time at school while participating in a club activity.
The Eagle Eyes of The Andover Beacon will be starting up again soon as well. Aspiring writers and student photographers will be able to meet remotely to plan stories for the Beacon, write, edit, and select photographs for the paper. This was a new club last year at AE/MS and is part of the plan for this year as well.
The staff hopes to create some more new, safe, and creative ways for students to interact throughout the school year. Stay tuned for more to come!