The Andover Garden Club was pleased to host Advanced Master Gardener Ruth Axelrod at its November meeting. Ms. Axelrod presented an information-filled talk on “Gardening in a Climate Change” to a room of Club members and guests. She discussed expected global changes in climate and the impacts on our state of New Hampshire.
Future programs will focus on how we can as individuals manage our gardens and environment in such a way that lends support to our Club’s mission – to connect like-minded individuals; to promote civic beautification; and to further the education of members in the fields of horticulture, landscape design, and ecologically sustainable conservation practices.
Members enjoyed refreshments and a lively reception preceding the talk, hosted by our new Hospitality Committee.
A brief business meeting was held following the presentation, and the formation of club committees was announced. Keeping true to the Club’s mission mentioned above, committees are: Programs and Education; Special Events and Fundraising; Community Beautification; Outings; and Hospitality.
A big round of applause goes to our volunteer committee members and to all other members for their enthusiasm and support! It should be noted that several new members attended the talk, and we look forward to everyone’s continued participation.
The Andover NH Garden Club is a program of the Andover Community Hub and is free and open to all. For more information email or call or text 603 568-4194.