Happy New Year!
We hope everyone will stay healthy, happy, and safe in 2022. Here are a few highlights since the last article.
Some of the Andover Church family went caroling in the area on December 19. Everyone enjoyed the evening, which was topped off with home-made hot chocolate prepared by our own Judy Evans. Yum!
The Christmas Eve service was very well attended. In addition to many families and guests, we had three special visitors who came to sing for us all. Actually, they were sock puppets and put on an amazing musical. The children especially enjoyed the show and learned all about the “Living Hope,” born in Bethlehem. Can’t wait to see what’s up their sleeve for next year (maybe even Easter – who knows?).
If you missed the puppets, visit AndoverCommunityNH.org, hover over the Community tab, and then click KidzChurch. You can also check out the other happenings in the church, too.
A wonderful program called GriefShare has recently started. On January 12, Deacons Kathy Winkfield and Nancy Phillips teamed up to host the eight-week program at the Andover Community Hub.
This is a wonderful course for those grieving the loss of a loved one. The program is free, with a $20 cost for the workbook. GriefShare is offered throughout the year. For information call the church offices at 603 735-5160 or see the GriefShare page on our website.
Our annual meeting will happen on Sunday, January 30, where we plan to thank outgoing vestry members Alice Grover (Senior Warden), Linda McGrail, Linda Wickstrom, and Bruce Thompson for serving faithfully through a challenging season of calling Pastors Bill and Cinnamon Blomquist; COVID; and even putting down a new parking lot for the church and East Andover Preschool. Kudos to you all!
We will also welcome new vestry members, who include Jef DeMarie, Jane Walker, and Larry Reese.
This year we are planning a prison ALPHA (a 10-week course exploring the claims of the Christian tradition), a community family program based on arts and crafts and the seasons of the church, as well as other exciting activities in the Andover community.
In the meantime, we continue to meet on Sundays at 8 AM (traditional service) and 10 AM (with music), live and on Zoom. Personal prayers are offered by trained prayer ministers. You can see the website for more of what’s happening.
On the fifth Sunday of the month, we celebrate A Public Service of Healing, where people are encouraged to receive the anointing of oil from a priest and prayer ministry if desired. All are welcome.
We’d also like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that the Highland Lake Grange Hall is available for rental for gatherings such as baby showers, birthday parties, and other celebrations. Contact Donna Thompson at 603 744-6858 if interested.
Best to you in ‘22!