Crosby/Gilbert Post 101 of the American Legion was chartered in Andover in the year 1947. The Post was very active for a number of years. As with other organizations, it went into decline with a loss of membership.
In the year 2015, with the help and guidance of the state American Legion, the Post became active with the selection of a slate of officers. A lot of work was done by members to support community activities.
In the year 2021, the Post was involved in the following activities.
Organized and placed flags on veterans’ graves within the town for Memorial Day. A total of 290 flags were replaced.
Collected unserviceable American flags and made certain that they were disposed of properly.
Held a brief ceremony on the Fourth of July on the Village Green in observance of the day. The American flag was raised and flags were placed at all corners of the veterans’ monument.
On Saturday, September 11, a brief ceremony was held on the grounds of AE/MS to honor the memory of those who lost their lives or were injured in the terrorist attacks against the USA on Tuesday, September 11, 2001.
Provided annual Christmas boxes for needy veterans within the area. Each box contained enough food items for a complete meal.
Replaced weathered flags on both the Cilleyville-Bog and Keniston covered bridges.
Post 101 is seeking new members in order for it to continue and expand on its support of various functions within the town. On July 30, 2019, President Trump signed the Legion
Act. All veterans who have been honorably discharged may now become a Legion member.
For more information, please call Lloyd Perreault, Finance Officer, at 603 735-5493.