Happy March,
Let’s hope that this March will mark the beginning of some spring-like weather! Might we see some snowdrops before the end of the month?
March is the month of Dr. Seuss’s birthday (March 2), International Women’s Day (March 8), Johnny Appleseed Day (March 11), the First Day of Spring (March 20), and a personal favorite: Tolkien Reading Day (March 30).
The entire month of March is Women’s History Month, Irish-American Month, and Quilting Month. Both libraries have plenty of books in these categories, so please swing by to check them out.
The Book Club read this month will be Ruth Hogan’s Keeper of Lost Things, “a charming, clever, and quietly moving debut novel of endless possibilities and joyful discoveries that explores the promises we make and break, losing and finding ourselves, the objects that hold magic and meaning for our lives, and the surprising connections that bind us.
“Anthony Peardew is the keeper of lost things. Forty years ago, he carelessly lost a keepsake from his beloved fiancée, Therese. That very same day, she died unexpectedly. Brokenhearted, Anthony sought consolation in rescuing lost objects – the things others have dropped, misplaced or accidentally left behind – and writing stories about them.” (ReadingGroupGuides.com)
We will meet on Wednesday, March 23 at 7 PM to discuss it. Both libraries have copies as well as audiobooks. It is also available on Hoopla as an e-book or audiobook. Let us know if you would like to take part in the discussion.
March is the time for March Madness, and the two Andover Libraries are having our own “Madness.” Every time you come to the library and check out materials you will receive a raffle ticket. On Friday, April 1 we will draw the winning raffle tickets.
Thanks to the generosity of local businesses there will be a good assortment of gift certificates to go to lucky readers. The more you read, the greater your chances of winning a prize. Only one prize per person though! Be sure to visit our libraries often.
Don’t forget the WABL Walkers: weather permitting, let’s meet at the library at 10:30 AM on Mondays and Wednesdays to walk up Chase Hill, then on to Emery Road, and we can then turn back when people feel they have gone far enough. This is a hilly walk with spectacular views. Come join us.
We have renewed our State Park Pass. If you are up for some hiking and would like a free pass to a state park, swing by either library. Please remember that you need to reserve the pass at least one day in advance.
Hoopla is adding to their list of titles that can be borrowed with BingePass. With BingePass the library is charged for one borrow, but you have unlimited borrows from that particular collection for a week.
BingePass includes magazines, the Great Courses Collection, and now CuriosityStream, a streaming service that offers documentaries. If you go to Hoopla’s website and enter “BingePass” into the search box, you will come up with what’s available.
Please feel free to let Lee or Priscilla know of any books you would like to have us purchase for the libraries.