As I write this, it is snowing outside. I’m looking forward to spring! It is just around the corner. We all can’t wait for that.
On Sunday, April 10, we will be celebrating Palm Sunday. Palm Sunday marks the first day of Holy Week. It is celebrated by the blessing and distribution of palm branches. Some have asked, what is the true meaning of Palm Sunday, also known as Passion Sunday? It is a celebration that commemorates and honors Jesus Christ’s victorious entry into Jerusalem. Services are at 8 AM and 10 AM with palm branches.
The 15th of April is Good Friday. This day is a solemn day of the year for Christians, a day when we remember Christ’s death on the cross for all. We remember the suffering He endured for our sake. We are reminded of the depths of His love for us. We’ll gather at 7 PM to reflect upon these things through an ancient service of music, prayer, and readings.
Two days later, on the 17th, is Easter Sunday. There will be a sunrise service on Maple Street at 6 AM followed by a breakfast with coffee and refreshments at the Highland Lake Grange Hall. A good old-fashioned Easter Egg Hunt for the church and community happens at 9:15 AM, with Easter Services following at 10 AM at the church. All are welcomed as we celebrate this special day.
On Saturday, April 16 we will be selling pre-made meals, also some baked goods. These are scrumptious meals (BBQ meatloaf and chili) that only need heating up when you get home. They will be sold at the Highland Lake Grange Hall from 11 AM to 2 PM. Funds raised go to further improve the Grange Hall.
On Saturday, May 28 we will be starting up the Rummage Sales. We are asking if anyone wishes to donate items to please wait until the week of the sale. Just a reminder: no electronics of any kind. If items need to be plugged in or run on batteries, please be sure they work.
If there are any questions, please contact Donna Thompson at 603 744-6858. Also, there will be pre-made meals and baked goods. We look forward to seeing everyone. These sales will continue through the summer and into the fall, on the last Saturday of each month.
Our “mission of the month” is helping the Ukraine families during these troubled times. We are sending prayers for them to be safe and protected. The church is currently giving funds for the cause through the Anglican Relief and Development Fund. If you would like to contribute, earmark your checks to ARDF-Ukraine and bring them by the church offices, or mail them to: Andover Community Church, PO Box 211, East Andover NH 03231.
We welcome you to check out our website at, where there is a lot of information to discover. So much is going on in this community church family.
We hope you have a blessed, safe, and healthy month.