The Wilmot Public Library and the Wilmot Community Association (WCA) will cosponsor an in-person talk and slide show by Ann and Marc Davis at 7 PM on Wednesday, April 27, at the WCA’s Red Barn at 64 Village Road in Wilmot.
The Davises, the 2022 New Hampshire Outstanding Tree Farmers of the Year, live in Wilmot.
“Woods Without Gile – Our Journey to the Land That Time Forgot” will focus on the Davises’ stewardship of the woodlot in Springfield and Wilmot they have owned for nearly 20 years.
Using photographs of views, plants and animals, timber harvests, and people working and enjoying the land, the Davises will introduce the audience to their work at the property.
“Woods Without Gile is beautiful,” Ann Davis said. “Marc and I, with help from many skilled professionals, have done our best to ensure the land grows healthy trees, provides habitat for wildlife, protects the water resources (of which there are many on the property) and provides a network of maintained trails where the public can walk.”
The speakers will ask all attendees to wear masks during this program. For information, contact Jodi Hedderig, administrator, WCA, at WCA@nullWilmotWCA.org.