May has been a busy month, and preschoolers are excited for the planting season. We have started our seeds inside, watching the little sprouts break through the soil. We have a variety of vegetables, fruits, and herbs that we will soon transfer to our garden outside on the playground. A big shout out to Garden Life for donating soil and to J&B Landscaping for delivering it!
During our April vacation, a group of Proctor students came to refresh our playground for Earth Day, doing some spring clean-up and spreading out our new soil. We are hoping this will help our garden thrive this year. We are looking forward to summer camp so we can tend our garden daily.

Also, in May we celebrated our wonderful mothers, hosted our annual 5K fundraiser, and welcomed a few new students.
With only a couple weeks left in our school year, we are trying to squeeze in preparation for our end-of-year celebration, Father’s Day gifts, and as much time outside as we can get.
On June 17 we will say good-bye to 11 preschoolers as they move on to kindergarten. This year we send our EAVP graduates to Andover, Danbury, Franklin, Salisbury, Sanbornton, and Wilmot.
There will be an Open House on Saturday, June 4, from 9 until 10:30 AM. Come see the school and meet the teachers! Enrollment is now available for the 2022-2023 school year.