The popular Kearsarge Area Senior Luncheon Program, hosted by the Wilmot Ladies Aid Society, will resume at noon on Thursday, October 20. Hot lunches from the Community Action Program (CAP) in Concord will be served up at the First Congregational Church of Wilmot, in the ground floor meeting room. (There are no stair steps!)
The church is located next to the Wilmot Public Library at 19 North Wilmot Road in Wilmot Center, just three miles north of the intersection of Routes 4A and 11. The meeting room is a sunny, well-ventilated space with a kitchen and handicapped restroom. Door prizes, entertainment, free books, and CAP’s frozen dinners-to-go will be available following the meal.
The lunches are sponsored by the Wilmot Ladies Aid, CAP, the First Congregational Church, the Wilmot Public Library, the New London Council on Aging (COA), and Promotion Solutions of Wilmot. Lunches are scheduled for October through April, excluding December.
To sign up, call 603 526-4236 by Thursday, October 13. Be prepared to leave your name, town, and phone number to reserve your place. See you there!