Mah-Jongg Class Offered at The Hub

Mah-jongg is an ancient Chinese game played with tiles. A class to teach American Mah-jongg — a fun game of skill, strategy, and luck — will begin Tuesday, September 12, and meet for four weeks, 10 AM to noon, each Tuesday. Area residents Diane Beaudoin and Ellie Gregor, both of whom are “hooked on Mah-jongg” and enjoy sharing their knowledge of and passion for the game with others, will teach the series. Ellie has taught Mah-jongg locally and through the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, and Diane is an enthusiastic player.

The class is limited to 12. Participants play in groups of two to four; partners aren’t needed. The cost for the series is $20 (plus $10 for an individual Mah Jongg card if participants don’t already have one).  Mah Jongg sets will be provided and available for future group play at The Hub.  The hope is that after the class is over participants will arrange a weekly time to meet and continue to play together.