Andover School Board Minutes — September 5, 2023

Condensed from approved minutes.

Board members present: Kayla Chandler, Steve Chella, Dan Newton

Administration present: Dennis Audet, Hilary Denoncourt, Dennis Dobe, Catherine Masterson, Beth Page, Randy Wormaid

Public present: None.


  1. Public Hearing: boiler.

Motion to approve the release of $37,013 for costs associated with the boiler replacement. A 50 percent deposit is in place, but other items need to be put in place to continue with the project. No questions, Chandler closed the public hearing.


  1. Board Chairperson’s report.
    Chandler thanked everyone for a successful start of the school year. She appreciates the hard work that the team has been putting in to get the boiler project up and running.

  2. Principal‘s comments.
    Chella reported that his daughter, who is in kindergarten, speaks very highly of her experience here at AE/MS.

Audet reported on the boiler project. The tanks have been put in, and Dig Safe should be at the school later this week. The boilers should be arriving and prepped for installation within the two weeks. 

Control Technologies will be at AE/MS on Thursday to repair the rooftop AC unit. Last week, the camera system was repaired and three more cameras were installed, covering all blind spots within the building. 

The boiler system is strictly used to heat the building; the installation should not disrupt the school functioning, with the possible exception of maintenance workers coming into the building to bleed the system.


  1. Old business.
    Wormald reported laws pertaining to sitting on multiple town boards are preventing Jeffery Dickinson to take a seat on the AE/MS School Board.

  2. New business :
    Masterson reported on four new board policies being presented to the School Board for amendment at this time.

 Dobe spoke to the technology policies being presented, as the school would like to hold students accountable to safe practices with technology. JICL is a new policy which mirrors what Merrimack Valley has been using. JICL-R is intended to be used
to hold students to the expectation of responsible use for their technology. 

JRA is intended to be updated to ensure FERPA compliance for student records. EEA regards student transportation. 

The slate of policies presented today were approved.

A motion to approve withdrawal of additional funds not to exceed $37,013 from the Andover School District Building Maintenance Trust for expenditures in relation to the replacement of the boiler system was approved.

  1. Manifest journal entries.
    The manifest journal entries were approved.


  1. Superintendent’s report.
    Wormald thanked the School Board for the work they do to support the school community. He also thanked the school team. The SAU had an opportunity to travel to AE/MS before the school year started, and teachers were very excited for the start of this school year.

  2. Assistant Superintendent’s report.
    Masterson spoke of the beginning-of-the-year.