NEW LONDON, NH – The community is cordially invited to the 2024 Lake Sunapee Region
VNA and Hospice (LSRVNA) Annual Meeting on Wednesday, March 6, at 4:30 PM. The meeting will be held at The Knowlton House/LSPA at 63 Main Street in Sunapee.
A highlight of the occasion will be an informative and engaging panel presentation with LSRVNA staff from a variety of disciplines and departments entitled, Painting A Picture: How a team creates the patient experience. “Not surprisingly, most people have no idea how many members of our team come together every day to provide care and create positive patient experiences and outcomes,” says Jim Culhane, President and CEO. “As home care is increasingly complex and regulated, the expertise of a committed team of professionals is essential for success.” The agenda will also include a review of the past year, recognition of Board members, and time for questions from guests.
RSVPs are encouraged and appreciated to Cathy Raymond at 603-526-4077 x231 or