Andover Community Church News

Food sale donated over $600 to food pantry

Press Release

As the days grow shorter and cooler and the leaves are turning color, so we at Andover
Community Church are turning our thoughts toward fall with new missions and offerings. Last Sunday we enjoyed our Bishop’s visit as he shared with us some highlights of his recent trip to Uganda, as well as an encouraging message. 

In total, eight persons became members of ACC with some also choosing to be confirmed and received into the Anglican Church. Afterward we all enjoyed a barbecue/picnic, with many thanks to those who helped set up, managed the grills, baked, served, or helped clean up at the end. It was a special day for all of us!

September 15 concluded our collection for the drilling of a bore well in Kenya. We thanked God for his provision of $1,100 and blessed the monies to be sent. In October we will switch gears as we start one of our favorite projects leading into the season of Christmas: our annual Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child shoebox collection!

Each year, thousands of these shoeboxes are lovingly filled with small gifts, school supplies, and other useful items marked for either a boy or girl of a certain age category for each (you get to choose). You can even include a card or letter to the child. They are shipped in mid-November to countries all over the world and can be tracked to see where they go. 

You may wish to pack a shoebox with your family and see what country it goes to. You may pick up a box and label with information at the church office (should be available in October) and return it here for shipping. We ask a donation of $10 to pay the cost of shipping. Call Donna at 603 393-5470 or the church office for details.

We recently presented the Twin Rivers Food Pantry in Franklin with a check for $649 that we raised through a bake sale at their annual fundraiser, Wheels for Meals car show at the Franklin Hannaford parking lot on August 17. They are in need of more cash, as well as canned and non-perishables, as they are now serving 160-plus families per week!

On August 25, our Vestry presented to the church our new Mission and Vision statements. This was the work of several months and a lot of prayer, patience, and discerning together. Everyone in the church received a bookmark inscribed with both mission and vision, so we can always be reminded why the Lord has us all here together at this time and in this place. 

We are discovering our purpose at this beautiful church and in this wonderful community in East Andover! The mission, vision, and value statements can be found on our website:, on the drop down menu “About Us.”

 Griefshare began once again on September 16. Deacon Nancy Phillips is leading two groups every Monday for eight weeks. The first is in Tilton, from 1 to 3 PM, and the second at the Andover Hub from 6:30 to 8:30 PM.  

This is a wonderful, faith-based course used all over the country and has been a very compassionate and helpful course for those of us who have taken it. It’s not too late to join a group. Please call the church office at 603 735-5160 for more information and directions.

Please remember that the Andover Coffee House is up and running in the Highland Lake Grange Hall. Come early and eat the food for sale, prepared by our own “Donna, Lawrence and Co.”!

Last, the final rummage and bake sale for this season will be held Saturday, October 26, at the Grange Hall. Hope to see you there (or in church some Sunday!). Surprise us and we think you may be pleasantly surprised as well. Thank all of you for your support of our church in this community!