Veteran Stands by Oath to Defend United States Constitution

By Kent Hackmann

I am 87, a vet, and a conservative in my commitment to opposing radical change in our Constitution. On November 5, I will vote for Democrats up and down the ballot because they will defend the Constitution and the rule of law. They advocate positive programs for our country and champion high moral values that align with mine. 

One of my bedrock values is the oath of office I took when commissioned in the United States Army. I solemnly swore that I “will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” I stand by that oath today.

On active duty, I knew I was defending the Constitution and the nation. I was an air defense artillery officer assigned to the 64th Air Division (NORAD) at Stewart Air Force Base and the Air Force, Army, and Navy team in Weapons Direction. Seated at cathode ray tube monitors, we studied  the air space in Boston Sector.  

My enlisted men and I were on a mission to defend against a Soviet attack. In shifts around the clock, we monitored all aircraft and made sure that our Nike firing batteries would engage the enemy, not Air Force’s interceptors. During graveyard shifts, I coordinated the training of Nike batteries in penetrating the electronic countermeasures deployed by SAC B52s. 

Looking ahead to November 5, I urge you to join me in voting for Harris and Walz and other Democrats, especially my fellow veteran, Stu Green, candidate for State Senate District 7.

Kent Hackmann