The Andover Service Club held their spring luncheon at Alan’s Restaurant in Boscawen on June 12. After a warm welcome from our president, Mary Ofenloch, Kitty Kidder gave opening words on how things change as we “mature.” A delicious meal followed, with lively discussions. We had a small business meeting while waiting for dessert and it was noted an error was made in last month’s article – The Sunapee Singers were the entertainment enjoyed by all at Guest Night in April.
We are still in need of a president elect but did vote on the current slate of officers. Mary Ofenloch will remain as President, First VP is Diane Rice, Second VP is Joyce Egge, Secretary is Eileen Mackey, Corresponding Secretary is Jeanne Tate, Treasurer is Lois Magenau, Assistant Treasurer is Dottie Chagnon, and Immediate Past President is Robin Boynton. Our annual budget was also approved.
We hosted a trunk sale at Woodcrest in New London on May 31. The residents seem to enjoy shopping in their own home. Our thrift shop will be going to summer hours next month which means that it will be closed on Saturdays. Most folks want to be outside in the (hopefully) nice weather.
We will be selling slices for scholarships again this year at the Fourth of July festivities. Please stop by and support this worthy endeavor, there will be many delicious homemade pies. Our meetings will begin again in September. Have a great summer!