Dragonfly Appreciation Walk on the Hiller Easement

July 31 from 3 to 5 PM

Press release

Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust’s (ASLPT) Land Protection Specialist Andy Deegan and Carrie Deegan of the New Hampshire Forest Society, in coordination with the Andover Conservation Commission, will lead a Dragonfly Appreciation Event on the 69.2-acre Hiller Conservation Easement in Andover on Wednesday, July 31, from 3 to 5 PM.

The Hiller property has prime wetlands and important frontage on Sucker Brook and its tributaries. It offers varied wildlife habitat including forest, wetlands, and small fields – some ranked as among the best in the state.

Andy and Carrie will share their love and knowledge of the life history and value of local dragonflies and damselflies. The walk will be easy and is appropriate for everyone, including children of all ages. Bring normal hiking attire and an insect net if you have one.

We will be catching individual “dragons” for identification purposes and releasing them once photos are taken. Light refreshments will be served.

This walk is dependent on the weather. Please let us know that you plan to attend by contacting Nancy Smith at 526-6555 or NSmith@nullAusbonSargent.org.