ASLPT Hike Showcases Woodland Management Practices

On the Blitzer easement in Bradford

Press release

Hike with us on Thursday, August 1, from 4 to 6 PM on this 100+ acre wooded property to explore how and why the Blitzer’s conserved the land in 1999. Learn why the Blitzer’s decided to care for their land by hiring a forester, devising a plan for their woods and harvesting timber with the future forest in mind.

Beth McGuinn, Land Protection Specialist for Ausbon Sargent, Tim Fleury, Forestry Educator for UNH Cooperative Extension, and Brooks McCandlish, the Blitzers’consulting forester will lead a hike over the property’s woods roads and through untrailed areas.

The hike is especially designed for landowners considering how to best care for their woodland and others interested in seeing the resulting forest years after a commercial timber harvest. The hike will be moderately strenuous with steep areas and off-trail walking. Participants should be in good physical condition.

This hike is co-sponsored by the UNH Cooperative Extension and the Bradford Conservation Commission. Light refreshments will be served. Please contact Nancy Smith at 526-6555 or if you plan to join us.