It may be the middle of July as I write this, but AE/MS is a very busy place these days as preparation for the 2013-2014 school year is in high gear.
When each school year ends, all classroom materials are boxed and labeled, and the classrooms are emptied. Most classrooms are painted, all are scrubbed clean, and all have carpets cleaned or floors waxed to a bright shine.
This summer, there are many classrooms that are switching locations to accommodate full-day kindergarten and an additional fourth grade class. We are ahead of schedule, and the building is looking good!
One of the reasons we are ahead of the maintenance schedule this year is because we have had the assistance of five Merrimack Valley High School students. They work with Mr. Farrington five mornings a week. We have appreciated and enjoyed working with the students this summer.
Summer School is nearing an end. Students attending have ranged from third grade to seventh grade. Kim Tilton, Amanda Lauster, and Anne Hewitt provided a challenging work day for them, but also allowed some time for fun. One day, the students even had a dog come to school to read to them. That was impressive!
Preparing for CCSS
However, there is more to do to get ready for a new year than just prepare the building. Teams of teachers have worked throughout July transitioning to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). One group dedicated to middle school math recently enjoyed a Khan Academy presentation. Khan Academy will be a supplement to the middle school math program at AE/MS next year for all students. Educators are also attending workshops and taking mini-courses throughout New England.
The 2013-2014 school year will include new faculty members. Mr. Adam Stewart will be teaching the music classes, leading the bands, and providing musical instrument lessons. Mr. Stewart also wants to get chorus re-established and performing again. His enthusiasm for AE/MS music education is delightful! He has some wonderfully creative ideas and boundless energy.
Mrs. Deana Crucitti will be teaming up with Mrs. Kristy LaRoche to teach the fourth grade students next year. They have been spending a lot of time at AE/MS planning and setting up their classrooms this summer. Fourth grade students will reap the benefits!
Anna Kate Hattan wills serve as our reading specialist two days per week. This is a position we have not had for several years, so there is much to do!
Before the school year starts, we hope to find the perfect candidate to teach Spanish part-time. We had a very successful first year of Spanish in the middle school and intend to continue.
Full-Day Kindergarten
Kindergarten Orientation is Monday morning, August 26, at 9 AM. The new kindergarten students and their parents will have the building to themselves as they explore where they will spend the next nine years. The children will even get to ride the school bus around the village to get a taste of what to expect.
We are excited to welcome this new class – they will be the first full-day kindergarten classes at AE/MS! It will be an historical year!
Kindergarten first became part of AE/MS in the fall of 1996 and now, eighteen years later, we will offer a full-day program. Mr. Putnam Kidder and Mrs. Laura Witt, AE/MS kindergarten teachers, are ecstatic about the benefits of a full-day program and how it will benefit the incoming five year olds and the entire school.
School Starts on August 28
The first day of school for all students is Wednesday, August 28. Students will have a three day week followed by a four day week as they transition back into the academic routine. Stay tuned for details regarding a back-to-school picnic – all are invited. At AE/MS, we celebrate both the end and the beginning of our school years!
School lunch, breakfast, and snack milk will have a significant change next year in regard to how they are paid. For the first time, parents can pay electronically, and we would encourage them to do so.
No longer do children need to bring in their money envelopes on Mondays for the week or month. Parents can access the account at any time and see account balances. A letter detailing the changes will be sent to all school families in August.
Lunch prices have not changed, and we will also continue to serve a nutritious and tasteful breakfast and lunch. I have been watching the carrots in the school garden, and my guess is that they are going to be ready just in time for the first week back!
Speaking of the school garden, please help yourself in July and August. Take home some veggies and weed a bit while here. The garden has never looked better. Thank you, Kat Darling!