Andover Democrats Host Meeting on Healthcare Changes

Potluck supper at 6, presentation at 7 PM on October 21

Press release

As additional sections of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), or Obamacare, are set to take effect in October, area residents may be unsure what impacts these changes may have on their personal medical care, their insurance coverage, etc. On Monday, October 21, at 7 PM, the Andover Democrats will sponsor an informational evening, co-sponsored by the Andover Public Libraries, on what these changes may mean for the average consumer of healthcare in New Hampshire.

Open to the public at no charge, the session will be held in the Andover Elementary/Middle School library, beginning at 7 PM. Those who would like to bring a dish to share are invited to arrive at 6 PM for a potluck supper before the program. The school and library are handicap-accessible.

Topics to be covered will include:

  • What’s currently happening in New Hampshire with regard to implementation of the ACA,

  • Any changes one should expect in dealing with his or her medical provider,

  • What – if anything – an individual needs to do differently and how to do it,

  • What is available if one needs to buy a health insurance policy and how to go about it,

  • What programs exist to help those whose income levels make them eligible for

  • financial assistance in paying for insurance,

  • Where to find additional information about any aspects of the law.

Discussing the ACA and answering questions will be Donna Toomey of HealthFirst Family Care Center, where she serves as patient advocate and financial counselor, helping patients apply for services. HealthFirst provides primary healthcare in the Twin Rivers and Lakes Regions of New Hampshire, serving 24 rural townships including Andover, Danbury, Salisbury, and Franklin. Ms. Toomey is currently preparing to become a Certified Navigator and Assistant Applicator for the healthcare reform marketplace, which will allow her to help anyone seeking insurance through the new marketplace.