Michelle Bengivengo, who brought the Bachelder Library (WABL) back to life with animated storytelling, cozy fireside reading, and full access to “other than print” media, has departed our fair mountains for the seacoast of North Carolina. She and her husband Chris hope to settle there, with niece Michaela in college in North Carolina, and Michelle has already begun pursuit of a degree in library science and information. Do you suppose that years of volunteering for her mother in the Andover Library and directing the WABL inspired her to move on in the field? Her electric personality will serve her well, and we wish her all the best, and it’s time to move on, so…
The Library Trustees are delighted to announce that Gail Fitzpatrick is the new Director at the Bachelder Library in East Andover. After a career in education, Gail feels perfectly comfortable with the wide range of patrons, from pre-schoolers to long-timers, who arrive at WABL for story time, quiet reading, or shared browsing and conversation. She is enthusiastic and warm and incredibly knowledgeable about literature, being an avid reader herself, ready to promote good books to all comers. She’ll also guide you through computer-based activities and suggest a good audiobook or DVD. Gail is also anxious, as are the trustees, to open up the downstairs community room: Andover, have we got plans for you!
Finally, Priscilla Poulin, librarian at the Andover Public Library, is especially pleased, since she and Michelle and her granddaughters built it, to invite you into the libraries’ new Web site. At AndoverNHLibrary.weebly.com you can browse the libraries’ holdings, view recent events, and check out pictures. Come visit soon, and while you’re there, see if you can find David Wiesner’s latest picture book for children and grown-ups, Mr. Wuffles.