“Bring Your Child to the Library Day” is Coming!

February 1 in Andover, February 4 in East Andover

Press release

The Andover libraries will celebrate Bring Your Child to the Library Day during the first week of February. See what’s new at the Andover libraries. Come to the Andover Public Library on Saturday morning, February 1, from 10 AM until noon. Special activities are planned, including crafts, story times, and music by local musician, Paul Hubert.

The Bachelder Library in East Andover will celebrate Bring Your Child to the Library Day on Tuesday evening, February 4, from 6:30 to 8:30 PM. Help your child select books, movies, or audio books to enjoy.

A special “bedtime” read-aloud will start at 7:15 PM for the little ones, who may want to bring their favorite stuffed animal with them.

Please join us in celebrating all the wonderful things our Andover libraries have to offer. We look forward to seeing you.