The Road Agent requested that the Winter Maintenance Policy be published and posted.
Procurement Policy Update
The updated policy gives authority to the Town Administrator to monitor and execute the purchasing process, and it tightens up rules. It is explicit as to profit and loss of contractors/bidders. This is a “not to exceed” system. The Town isn’t paying for work that is questionable. Lead bidders are to be specified. (Marj check policy for wording). Excluding any plowing contracts through July 1, 2014.
A motion to replace the current Procurement Policy with the new Procurement Policy to be dated December 16, 2013 was made by Selectman Mishcon. The motion was seconded by Selectman Coolidge. The motion carried.
Warrant Articles
Mishcon reviewed. Final amount for road improvement bond/loan will be one million dollars ($1,000,000.00).
A policy for project choices will be developed in January. Nothing will go into the Highway Capital Reserve Fund. If this article does not pass, $150,000 will go into the Capital Reserve Fund.
Town Administrator (TA) Roy will call the New Hampshire Department of Transportation for an expense estimate for Lawrence Street bridge as well as the projected year for Federal funding.
TA Roy will call the Department of Revenue Administration (DRA) for wording on the warrant article for the police cruiser. Chief Laramie reported that $25,000 would cover the cost of the cruiser.
The replacement date for the ambulance needs to be published.
Capital Reserve Fund Highway Equipment to be funded with ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00).
New: Expendable Trust Fund for operation of Town buildings; maintenance and repair. Six thousand dollars ($6,000.00) naming the Board of Selectmen as agents to expend.
Sale of tax deeded properties: not necessary to state the method that will be used.
Warrant article to change from an elected road agent to a hired road agent. Can the Board spend time researching the particulars after Town Meeting, or does it need to be specified in the warrant article? This will not be a full-time position, but approximately 25 hours per week March to October and 20 hours per week the rest of the year.
Selectman Danforth reported that the State has asked us to set up a housing authority and a transportation authority. The 2014 Town Meeting could establish the authority for the Board of Selectmen to establish these authorities.
It would be helpful to the public if we publish the DRA form that shows the Town Meeting decisions.
Police Department Report
Selectman Danforth questioned the absence of crosswalk signs. Town Administrator Roy will call the New Hampshire Department of Transportation about crosswalk signage.
A member of the Board will meet with Proctor and AE/MS about “Yield to Pedestrian” signs in the road.
The Police Department has met the training hours quota for the year, and officers have qualified with firearms.
Chief Laramie reported that a new officer is being hired and the background check is being done by Sheriff’s office. The Board agreed that the Chief should go ahead and hire Tim Dow as the new part-time officer.
Semi-Annual Tax Billing
Selectman Mishcon reviewed the benefits to the Town, including better cash flow and not having to pay large sums of interest on money borrowed to pay the bills while waiting for tax money to come in.
Selectman Danforth wants to talk with the Town Clerk-Tax Collector, get a list of taxpayers in arrears, and send letters to them offering a meeting with the Town to look at individual situations and possible solutions, such as Elderly Exemptions.
Selectman Mishcon moved to go to semi-annual tax billing, effective for the 2014 tax year. The motion was seconded by Selectman Coolidge. The motion carried.
The Board reiterated its desire to notify delinquent taxpayers of the willingness of the Board to meet with them to try to find a solution to their delinquency.