Present: Selectmen Mishcon, Coolidge, Danforth, Town Administrator Marj Roy, Mary Anne Broshek, Gerry Hersey, Tina Cotton, Mike Vercelloti
Conservation Commission
Initial discussion revolved around the following upcoming warrant article: To see if the town will vote to authorize the Board of Selectmen to convey title to real estate acquired pursuant to the Tax Collector’s deed by public auction, sealed bid, or in such other manner as the Selectmen may determine as justice may require pursuant to RSA 80:42, the following properties: 16-619-166 located on Franklin Highway (4.9 acres); 20-320-363 located on Bridge Street (11 acres).
The warrant article had originally included two Town-owned properties on Bradley Lake, however, the Board has decided not include them. Selectman Coolidge stated that he is not in favor of eternal encumbrances because things may change in the next hundred years, but it might be able to restrict use if the properties were sold.
Gerry Hersey, a member of the Conservation Commission, stated there is good reason for keeping the properties at Bradley Lake since they are small, unbuildable lots on a public water supply. Mary Anne Broshek, chairperson of the Conservation Commission, stated that the Conservation Commission recommends the two Bradley Lake properties be deeded to the Andover Village District.
Mike Vercelloti, one of the Andover Village District commissioners, asked why deeding the properties to the District would be different than the Town retaining ownership. He said the Town is a larger entity, so retaining ownership seems reasonable.
Mary Anne responded to a prior issue regarding the Highland Lake island. She explained that the island was never officially assigned to the Conservation Commission, but they do inspect/monitor it. The Conservation Commission inspects several properties owned by the Town.
Selectman Danforth stated that if something happens on Town property that is not inspected, then liability is greater. It was agreed by all that there should be a public benefit to keep Town-owned properties off the tax rolls.
Selectman Danforth stated there is a lack of formal ordinances for many things in town, including the use and restrictions for the Highland Lake island. Formal ordinances are necessary for the Police Department to be able to enforce regulations. The Board would appreciate recommendations from the Conservation Committee as to these ordinances.
Mary Anne suggested checking with the Highland Lake Protective Association to ask for their recommendations for rules for the island. She volunteered to contact the Association.
We currently have a new Conservation Commission member who is actively monitoring the Town properties. He has formatted a standard report for the entire list of Town-owned properties that have been assigned to the Commission. Consistent reporting is a goal for the Commission.
Selectman Danforth said the Conservation Commission should determine the frequency of their reports.
The next point of discussion was about whether or not it would be prudent to engage a Town Forester. It was agreed there should be communication between the Board, committees, and commissions so that effort is not duplicated. The Conservation Commission has historically come the Board of Selectmen with plans for things such as engaging an arborist.
The question was raised as to whether or not the land trusts might be interested in the properties. Mary Anne said the properties are not large enough. The Conservation Commission has discussed the price of property as opposed to restricted use. The abutters might want to obtain the properties for lawn, boat storage, etc. An abutter on Bradley Loop has expressed an interest in purchasing to increase the buffer for his current property.
Tina Cotton stated that Peter Zak was, at one time, ex-officio member of the Conservation Commission. He knew when the Bradley Lake properties came up for tax deed, and he recommended the Town retain them.
The Board discussed a recommendation from Dennis Fenton that a new capital reserve fund be established for funding of the Lawrence Street bridge project. Selectman Mishcon moved to create such a fund. Selectman Danforth seconded the motion, and the motion carried.
Town Administrator Roy reported that George Rochon came into the office to ask that she tell the Board the he is upset about the decision to go to semi-annual billing without a public meeting. She stated that she had told George that due to their responsibility for the financial stability of the town, the Selectmen are, by state law, required to make the semi-annual billing decision.
The Board directed the Town Administrator to book Town Report legal fees to the Town Report line so that the actual cost of the report is easily understood.
The Board signed the RPF contract for asbestos testing at 76 Bridge Road.