Board of Selectmen Minutes, March 4, 2014

Present: Selectmen Mishcon, Danforth, and Coolidge, Town Administrator Marj Roy, Jon and Joane Champagne with their children Tyler and Juliana, John Thompson.

Road Agent’s Report

$25,000 left in winter budget. It is impossible for private contractors to purchase salt. Salt supplies are being reserved for municipalities. Jon has ordered new ice edges for the grader because this year’s excessive amount of ice has worn the old ice edges down.

Dozer blade, scurifier etc. are located at Champagne’s yard. Jon requested that a Town official or the Town Administrator examine the grader before the new Road Agent takes over. This examination needs to be documented.

Jon stated that there is a lot of gravel left to be made at the Transfer Station. There is a granite ledge that will need to be blasted.

Special Projects line in operating budget was increased for 2014: hazard trees, crack sealing, calcium chloride (used 6,000 gal. in 2013), turn-around at top of Hoyt Road, Japanese knotweed.

The new compactor will be delivered to the Transfer Station in mid-March. As soon as the ground is soft enough, Jon will excavate for the electrical conduit.

Selectman Mishcon thanked Jon for his time and service as Road Agent over his terms as Road Agent.

There is a water problem near Irene Jewett’s home on Maple Street.

John Smith expressed his interest in the position of Cemetery Sexton. The Board agreed to post and fill the position immediately after Town Meeting.

Old Business

The official Department of Transportation Map of Andover Roads has been received. Some additions and changes will be necessary: White Oak Road, Recyclable and Cemetery Road will be added, and Maple Street should be shown to continue to Old College Road.

Church Street is a private road, and the Board will look to the new Road Agent for historical information. The Department of Transportation states that towns do not plow private roads with taxpayer money. The corrected map will be filed with the Department of Transportation.

The Town Administrator presented a quote from Belletetes for a shed that will be used as the office and observation site for the single-stream compactor. The shed is set up with insulation, wiring, and propane heater. It is valued at approximately $8,000 and will be purchased for $3,000. Selectman Danforth made a motion to purchase the shed for $3,000. Selectman Coolidge seconded the motion and the motion carried.

Selectman Danforth made a motion to adopt the operating plan and the closure plan for the Transfer Station. These plans are required by the Department of Environmental Services.

The Town Administrator is looking into a state grant for specialized containers for used motor oil.

Police Department

The Town Administrator will develop a building security policy. The building will be locked when there are no public hours. The chief will document when security policy is not followed.

The group took a trip upstairs to look at the potential new design for a bookkeeping office. The Town Administrator will get pricing after Selectman Danforth provides a drawing.

The Town Administrator was directed to purchase a camera for the lobby area.

Crosswalks and crosswalk signs: There are seven crosswalks and only one has signage. The Department of Transportation requires a letter from the Police Chief stating that there are no signs for the crosswalks. The Department of Transportation will send design map of crosswalks. The Board of Selectmen will meet with Proctor Academy and AE/MS to determine where signs will be installed.

New Business

The Board decided to pay the cable TV station manager directly.

Selectman Danforth expressed his vision for more corkboards in the lobby area to allow posting more information for residents.

Town dock policy was discussed. The Board will figure out exactly what is Town property along Channel Road. Docks can be installed by the Town and managed by the Town or its designee. The current practice will continue as in the past, however no checks will be accepted.

The Board directed the Town Administrator to post the bookkeeping position in the Concord Monitor as well as The Andover Beacon,, and the Town Office.