Andover Service Club Seeks New Members and Volunteers

Serve the community while socializing with your neighbors

By Mary Ofenloch, Andover Service Club

The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines the word “volunteer” as a person who, of his/her own free will, offers himself/herself for a service or duty, “service” as the art of serving, and “community” as a body of people living in the same place under the same laws.

The Andover Service Club (ASC) is a volunteer organization whose mission is to serve the town of Andover and the surrounding communities. The ladies of ASC work together throughout the year on various fundraisers, such as bake sales, pie sales, volunteering at the Thrift Shop, and recently at Town Meeting Day, making and selling hot soups, chowder, and chili lunches with desserts, coffee, and tea.

Local businesses continue to support our efforts. For instance, Blackwater Junction Restaurant donated soup spoons, coffee cups were donated by Hannaford Supermarket in New London, sugar and sugar substitutes were donated by Jake’s Market in Andover, and Newick’s Restaurant in Concord gave ASC a nice discount for the chowder cups. Every November, Thanksgiving pies are sold at, and with the kind cooperation of, Circle K convenience store in Potter Place. Thank you to our many supporters!

AE/MS has been very generous to ASC by allowing us to set up and sell the lunches, and to hold special events there. ASC ladies bake birthday cakes for Proctor Academy students throughout the year.

Income from the Thrift Shop and the many fundraisers supports scholarships and donations to the Andover Food Pantry, The Andover Beacon, and many other local and surrounding community organizations.

ASC community service relies on the talent and hard work of our member volunteers. I wish to express my gratitude to the wonderful ladies who have made our efforts a huge success, especially: First Vice President Diane Rice; Second Vice President Joyce Egge; Secretary Eileen Mackey; Corresponding Secretary Jeanne Tate; Treasurer Lois Magenau; and Past President Robin Boynton.

Also, my gratitude goes to the following committee chairs: Scholarship, Diane Rice; Membership, Joyce Egge; Fundraising, Judy Evans; Hospitality, Kit Norris; Proctor Cakes, Edna Peters and Nance Barrett; Nominations, Kitty Kidder; Thrift Shop, Gisela Darling and Nancy Tripp; Flowerbeds and Flower Boxes, Lorraine Roberts; Historian, Toots Fleury; Programs, Nancy Bodenstein; Opening Words, Sandy Miller; Family Christmas, Margaret Fenton and Gail Parenteau; and the many committee members who assist each chairlady.

“All work and no play makes Jill a dull girl” does not apply to ASC. “To broaden and strengthen the social and intellectual life of the members” is the second part of our mission. Many lasting friendships are made among the members. Meetings are not only for business reports, but also for special programs such as educational speakers, field trips, in-house auctions, and delicious refreshments.

So, if you are a woman who would like to meet new friends and be of service while socializing with your neighbors, come join us! ASC meets on the second Wednesday of the month at 10 AM in Potter Place (except July and August). For more information, please e-mail me at I am happy to speak with you.