Andover High All-Class Reunion Planned for July 12

By Judy Poblenz Perreault, AHS '53

Just a reminder that the all-class Andover High School reunion will be held this year on Saturday, July 12. Once again we will be meeting at the Ordway Recreational Area in South Danbury.

We will follow the same schedule as usual, with a meeting in the morning, pictures, and then our wonderful pot luck lunch around noon. It is a chance to catch up with classmates and recall our days at Andover High.

Anyone who attended AHS is welcome.

In case you have forgotten, here is some news from the 1954 issue of the Blue and White Banner.

Five teachers moved on in 1954: Miss Rich (Commercial Studies), Miss Evans (Home Economics), Mr. Truchon (English), Mr. Faulkner (Shop), and Mr. Hearn (Social Studies). I’m not sure they teach shop and home economics anymore.

Here are the typing awards for March, April, and May, 1954. Pat Rounds, 50 words per minute; Ruth Heden, 40 wpm; Joan Pillsbury, Judy Poblenz, Annette Keyser, and Judy Cutler, 30 wpm. Is this still being taught? I know I can’t do 30 wpm anymore. I am reduced to the hunt-and-peck method.

Finally, here is a poem from 1954 by Charles Tamulaites, an AHS student, perfect for this time of year, especially if you have traveled the road from Franklin to Tilton.


Bumps, bumps on the road,

Are you near or are you far,

Will you maybe wreck my car,

Are you solid, Are you loose,

Are you small or Are you big,

Are you visible, Are you faint,

Is you is or Is you ain’t?