Andover Energy Group Minutes, April 3, 2014

Condensed from draft minutes

Present: Pecco Beaufays, Larry Chase, Susan Chase, Steve Darling, Jeff Dickinson, Sophie Viandier

New Hampshire Solar Garden: Pecco shared information about New Hampshire Solar Garden, a group that he thinks might be helpful in finding ways to expand solar power in Andover. This group helps to set up local groups to take advantage of New Hampshire’s group metering possibilities, using the solar electricity generated from one member’s land. Pecco will contact them to find out their interest in meeting with us, pick a couple of dates, and get back to us. Jeff mentioned a friend of his who could be a resource to us in how to proceed if we decide to pursue this possibility.

This led to a general discussion of the broader issue of how we, as the Andover Energy Group, perhaps making use of the non-profit that Jeff has set up, can be of use to the Town in developing alternative energy projects, whether solar, hydro, biomass, or gasification.

Fuel efficient cars: There was general discussion of how to develop interest in alternative-fuel cars, including the possibility of a group purchase of such vehicles, hosting a demonstration of hybrid and other alternative fuel vehicles, developing an “alternative-fuel car rally,” etc. Pecco volunteered to contact Auto-Serve to assess their interest in working with us on any of these ideas.

Residential wind power: The questionnaires that were filled out on Election Day indicated a fairly strong interest in residential wind as an alternative electricity source, so we will proceed with organizing a presentation. Susan will continue to try to find a speaker for a Saturday morning presentation.

Jeff’s non-profit organization: Jeff will bring his paperwork to the next meeting in order to determine what’s involved in reconstituting the non-profit he has set up. Currently known as Andover Energy House, it needs new board members and then should be ready to be made use of in local community projects.

Wind power: Sophie Viandier mentioned that a group called Aeolian had approached the Board of Selectmen requesting a meeting. Sophie asked if the energy group had developed a consensus on wind power after our earlier visits to the installations at both Lempster and Groton.

We clarified that our group had not taken a position one way or the other as a result of our visits but were just educating ourselves about wind as a resource. Steve Darling volunteered to circulate a document he had prepared listing both the pros and cons following those visits. (See the related article here.)

Jeff’s presentation: Jeff mentioned that he has developed and presented a 30- to 60-minute presentation on the development of various alternative energies that he’d be glad to present any time that we think it might be useful.

Energy solutions conference: Currently Sophie, Larry, Jeff, and Vicky all plan to attend the conference on April 12.

Special Olympics event: Pecco is involved with the planning for a fundraising event to be held on the Proctor campus on September 27 to benefit the Special Olympics. A number of local organizations will be involved with selling food, and he is glad to have the Andover Energy Group involved in any way we’d like to be — selling food, handing out information, etc. It was suggested we might be able to hook up solar panels and provide electricity to other groups who might need it for their displays.

Next meeting: Thursday, May 1, at 7 PM at the Highland Lake Inn.