Recreation Committee Minutes, April 8, 2014

Condensed from approved minutes

Present: Justin Carey, Tom Frantz, Ellie George, Howard George, Alan Hanscom, Tim Norris, Brian Reynolds, and Kurt Weber.

Treasurer’s Report: All bills are paid and accounts are up to date.

Skiing: There was only one make-up date necessary, and it went well.

Basketball: Fifth and sixth grade boys won their championship. Third and fourth grade girls came in second in their championship.

Swimming: It seems likely that we will have Matt Doyle of Salisbury as our swimming instructor this summer. We were unable to find one last year, and it will be good to have the swimming program back in action.

Matt will be paid $1,000 for eight days of instruction. Hours will be Monday through Thursday from 9 AM to noon or 1 PM (depending on numbers).

Ice Rink: Kurt Webber reports that the ice rink had considerable use, especially around the holidays.

  • There was plenty of water as needed.
  • Shovels and goals were put away in Denberg garage.
  • Justin Carey thinks we can put the rink liner in the new Rec Building.
  • We need a designated snowblower and a place to store it. Howard George will talk to Kurt Meier about a shed to be added to Denberg House or the Hamp House.
  • We need an electrician to deal with intermittent light issues at the rink.

Concessions Policy

Fairness: All teams in a given category (third and fourth grade boys, for example) should have the same gear.

Accountability: Pre-approval needs to be sought from the Rec Committee two weeks ahead of time. E-mail is fine.

  • Where will the concession be held?
  • What will be sold?
  • Who will be in charge and who will be there?
  • Cost of the concession
  • Revenues from the concession
  • Who will be holding the money?
  • Receipts necessary
  • Need to know what is to be purchased (money needs to be spent well)
  • Any surplus from the project should go to the Rec Committee

Blackwater Park Building

Alan Hanscom presented a worksheet to help create a policy for the Building.

Because the building is not complete, it was moved and passed that the Baseball Program will have free use of the building for this one season.

In terms of finishing the building, the first order of business is getting the plumbing and wiring done, Justin Carey reports. Justin hopes to pull all the electrical together soon. We should be able to afford the electrical. Plumbing and electrical should all be up and running this spring.

Fields and Maintenance

Garry George will turn on the water to the fields.

The Town will put the Field Maintenance out to bid.

The parking lot certainly needs grading. Howard George feels that the gravel should be brought right up near to the rail trail. We want to get the parking lot to the point where it really looks good!

Baseball wants to get an electric scoreboard with the necessary wiring. Coca-Cola will pay half of the costs and baseball will pay the rest. Baseball will cover all costs.

U13 baseball fields are now about half-way between the size of a little league field and a high school field, and we will, of course, comply with fields that can be used for either size. Mounds need to move from 46′ to 50′ and base paths from 60′ to 70′.

Major work on the field needs to be done in the fall.