AE/MS Family Letter, May 8, 2014


                                                                                                                                    May 8, 2014

Dear AEMS Family,

Thanks for participating in Bike to School Day! What an energizing and fun way to start the day! Thank you for all of your help and participation in making the day a success! We’ll have photos from the day on the lobby flatscreen and on the AEMS website.

Progress Reports will be sent home with all students tomorrow.

Spring Concert is Thursday night, May 15th, at 6:30 and Mr. Stewart has assembled an extraordinary evening of talent! Our Power House B Band (B stands for Beginner and BIG) will play several selections. Our chorus will sing a collection of popular tunes. Our skilled Advanced Band will play three different pieces. Our eighth grade band members will close the show with a Rascal Flatts tune accompanied by special guest Mr. Hubert on the banjo!

Additional volunteers are always welcome for SHARE Day! Students in grades 3-8 who have off-campus workshops will be given additional permission slips next week. Please consider sharing the day with us. There are workshops all morning for grades 1-8, a community lunch, and afternoon entertainment beginning at 1:00 for grades K-8. We’d love for you to join us!

Now that the nice weather has finally arrived I thought it might be helpful to review dress code:

Appearance and Dress Expectations

  • Footwear must be worn at all times as required by state law. Sneakers must be worn for gym classes.
  • Shorts, dresses and skirts must extend to at least the mid-thigh in normal standing or sitting position.
  • Half shirts, muscle shirts, athletic bras, strapless tops and shirts with spaghetti straps are not permitted.
  • Shirts and tops must be worn so that they do not show a bare midriff. ·Undergarments must not show in normal standing, walking or sitting positions.
  • Jackets, hats, gloves, bandanas, hoods and sunglasses are not to be worn in the building.
  • Clothing that references drugs, alcohol, tobacco products, discrimination, violence or a sexually suggestive message or picture are not permitted.
  • Clothing injurious to school property or the health of a student will not be permitted. (For example – wallets with chains, spiked jewelry, loose straps or chains)
  • No clothing will be permitted which is disruptive to the educational process.

The Andover Conservation Commission and the Merrimack County Conservation District (MCCD) will co-sponsor a public sale of plants, trees and shrubs from 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday, May 10.  The sale will take place in tents located by the Andover Town Hall.  Plants, shrubs and trees will be offered at discount prices, and children will receive, while they last, either a free bulb or free plant to give to their mothers for Mother’s Day.  All proceeds go to the MCCD to pay for the cost of the plants, trees and shrubs. The MCCD will also be providing free instruction sheets for building bird houses, bat houses and homes for Mason bees.  A demonstration tent for making the Mason bee homes will also focus on how to attract pollinators to residential gardens.

Eighth grade graduation is June 19th and last day of school is June 20th.

If you have any questions or concerns please stop in or give me a call.


Happy Mother’s Day!!!,

Jane Slayton