Andover High Reunion on Track for July 12

Bring your memorabilia and gather in South Danbury

By Judy Poblenz Perreault, AHS '53

Time is fleeting, and our reunion is only a month away. We have to keep repeating the time and date so we don’t forget, which seems to be something I do frequently lately.

Save Saturday, July 12, and plan to meet at the Ordway Recreational Area in South Danbury at 10 AM. Don’t forget to bring your memorabilia and something for the pot luck lunch.

Here’s some more news from our Blue and White Banner: I believe it is an Easter issue, as it has a bunny on the front cover.

On March 10, 1950, the eighth grade class went on an outing. It was a toboggan ride on Tucker Mountain near Shirley Henderson’s home. (It must have been a winter like 2014.) After sliding, the class went to the Red Schoolhouse and wrote their names on the walls with chalk. It ended with refreshments at a nearby home.

What struck me was the simplicity of the event. As I recall, a lot of our activities were like this. They didn’t involve spending any money or travelling long distances.

There were skating parties and bonfires on the lake, sliding parties, hiking, and in the summer, hanging out at the lake and swimming. Spur of the moment seemed to have been our planning method. Everything seems so organized these days.

We also didn’t have a lot of time. There were a lot of farms in Andover, and children were expected to help, and summer was a busy time on the farm. Many young people had jobs on farms and also at the local summer camps.

I guess each generation has different memories of their “Good Old Days.”

See you at the reunion.