Members of New Hampshire Circle of Home and Family (NHCHF) from all over the state met at the Andover Elementary/Middle School for our annual Spring Fling. It is a time for meeting members from other clubs, presentation of upcoming programs, and to have some fun.
The theme of the meeting was “Once Upon A Time.” Morning activities included refreshments provided by our local chapter, the Halcyon Seekers; a fairy tale trivia game; making fairy houses; and a story teller.
The fairy houses were a big hit. They are usually made in the woods in a secluded spot using all natural materials found in the area such as bark, twigs, stones, moss, pine cones, and nuts. They are supposed to attract fairies, but little woodland creatures also enjoy them.
This is a great activity to do with children. Their vivid imaginations lead to some very creative houses. We did ours on a board and glued them together so they could be transported. The adults had just as much fun as kids do, and the results were varied.
In the afternoon, we had a program about what colors suit you best. We had models who were draped in a variety of fabrics to see which were most attractive.
The day ended with our famous brown bag auction. There were also accessories, books, and games for sale. Proceeds from this year and last totaled over $500, and it was donated to the Concord SPCA to update their facilities and to care for the animals from all over the state.
If you are interested in joining our club or would like more information, call 735-5493.