Greg Hewitt Graduates with Honors from Westminster

Pre-law with a minor in Outdoor Education

Greg Hewitt prepares to climb the face of a popular rock cliff, one of the skills he taught students as an Outdoor Trip Leader for Westminster College.
Greg Hewitt prepares to climb the face of a popular rock cliff, one of the skills he taught students as an Outdoor Trip Leader for Westminster College.

Gregory Hewitt of Andover graduated with honors from Westminster College in Salt Lake City, Utah, on May 31. Greg received a Bachelor of Arts Degree with a Political Studies/Pre-Law major, and a minor in Outdoor Education and Leadership. Honors are awarded to students who obtain a GPA of 3.5 or higher.

Greg’s summer plans include a return to a counselor position at Durango Mountain Camp in Colorado, a remedial program for students with dyslexia, coupled with great outdoor pursuits.