With baseball season beginning to wind down, it’s not too soon to start thinking about the upcoming soccer season.
Andover Recreation Soccer, a member of the Merrimack Valley Soccer League, offers individual skill development and competitive team play for Andover youth in grades one through six. First and second graders meet on Saturday mornings in the fall to work on basic ball-handling skills. The third through sixth graders continue to learn ball skills, rules of the game, and strategy techniques while competing in games with teams from surrounding towns.
For the 2014 season, we will be in need of coaches for our boys and girls third and fourth grade teams and fifth and sixth grade teams. If your child will be playing this year, please consider coaching!
Registration forms will be sent home from AE/MS with the kids during the first week of June. There will be a live sign-up on Wednesday, June 18, at AE/MS prior to kindergarten graduation. As always, there is a financial incentive to register by Monday, June 30; the price goes up starting on July 1.
If you have any questions about the program, please don’t hesitate to e-mail the new soccer director, Heidi Murphy, at AndoverRecSoccer@nullgmail.com.