The 2013-14 school year is winding down, and planning is underway for the 2014-15 school year. Field trips and graduations are scheduled for June.

Our first-ever full-day kindergarten class will graduate on Wednesday, June 18. This will certainly be a big event! Governor Maggie Hassen has been invited to speak. We are hopeful that her schedule will allow it.
Our eighth grade students will graduate the following evening on Thursday, June 19. The 18 students will move on to Merrimack Valley High School, Proctor Academy, and Bishop Brady High School. We will miss not having them part of day-to-day life at AE/MS because their presence has always been positive, helpful, and encouraging to the younger students.
At the same time, it will be enjoyable for us to watch and see what their presence at their new schools will look like, as they have the potential to go places and accomplish a lot. Their graduation is at 6:30 PM on the 19th, and a special graduation speaker has confirmed their attendance.
Another successful SHARE Day is in the books. We appreciate Gisela Darling and the many volunteers brought together for an enriching and fun day every spring for our students. AE/MS is fortunate.
Big news – it did not rain on Bike To School Day this year! Over 100 students rode their bikes to school on May 7. Lots of bicycle traffic, fun, and excitement could be seen on both ends of the Rail Trail. Students reached their destination, parked their bikes, and came into the gym to enjoy music, fruit, and water before starting classes.
Kindergarten registration for 2014-15 was held on May 14. It was much fun meeting all the new soon-to-be kindergarten students and their parents. If you know of a kindergarten student who may be new to our community, please have them call our school so we can include them in the planning for next year.
The end of year also brings more assessments to AE/MS. Grades two through eight just finished NorthWest Educational Assessment tests. These consist of three short computer tests in reading, math, and language usage. Teachers have instant access to the results and can adjust instruction accordingly.
In addition, the fourth and eighth grade students are completing the state-mandated New England Common Assessment Program (NECAP) science test. The NECAP takes three class periods to complete, and we do not get results for a while.
A lot of learning is taken beyond the classroom in May and June. The fourth and fifth grade students just returned from spending a day at the Belknap Mill. They had the opportunity to develop teamwork and problem-solving skills while immersed in mill life as it was in the Industrial Age.
Students took roles as workers in the mill yard, power house, finishing room, and assembly line. At the end of the day, they realistically (for the time period) earned a dime for their day’s work.
Third grade students are researching, creating, and compiling individual scientific guides to assist them as they explore the seacoast beginning with their visit to the Seacoast Science Center in June. One of the all-time interesting and traditional trips is to the Harvard Museum of Natural History. The learning from the school year comes to life for second grade students (and their parents) on this excursion every May.
Kindergarten and first grade students will take their active learning to Vermont. The kindergarten class will spend a day at the Montshire Museum and the first grade students will be at Billings Farm and Museum. These are both great summer excursions for families as well.
Some of Mr. Murphy’s science classes are involved in a No Smoking campaign. Public Service announcements are made daily and lots of informational and thought provoking posters adorn the school walls.
A proactive group of 5th grade students is trying to help the Franklin Animal Shelter before the school year ends. They are collecting cat food, dog food, cat litter, pet toys, and cleaning supplies which they will deliver to the shelter. Feel free to contribute.
If you are in the building please take time to walk through and enjoy the extraordinary art work displays. There are examples of the magical Dr. Seuss-type art and Georgia O’Keefe representations. The upper grades have some creative print making examples. There is also a beautiful Kindness Garden on the gym wall. All students and staff members have planted a paper flower in the garden depicting a kind act they have done of hope to do.