Present: Larry Chase( acting chair), Tina Cotton, Nan Kaplan, Derek Mansell; guest Sandra Graves. Absent: Chair Mary Anne Broshek, Jerry Hersey.
Re: scheduling a public presentation on Andover’s natural resources by Chris Wells of the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests, Derek agreed to query Proctor Academy about the availability of the Old Stone Chapel.
Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust (ASLPT) update: Nan reported that ASLPT had collected 2013 annual reports from the conservation commissions in its coverage area and agreed to distribute to Andover Conservation Commission (ACC) members via e-mail. She also reported that the ASLPT’s Outreach Committee, which she chairs, had met the previous week and is planning a fall workshop, subject to be determined.
Members discussed their April 3 inspection of Highland Lake’s Halcyon Island (at the request of the Board of Selectmen) to determine the health of its trees and the need for trash removal. Members Broshek, Chase, and Cotton were accompanied by Frank Baker and Earle Davis representing the Highland Lake Protective Association; Tim Fleury, forest resources specialist at the UNH Cooperative Extension; and Sophie Viandier representing the Board of Selectmen. No tree issues or trash accumulation were found. Earle mentioned that he has been removing trash from the island twice or more each year.
Tina reported that the Lakes Region Planning Commission is updating its master plan, mandated by state statue, and will need input from the Board of Selectmen on planned capital expenditures in the town and from ACC on environmental impacts.
Nan, who attended the annual “Saving Special Places” conservation conference on April 5, reported enthusiasm for the keynote address by conservationist Peter Forbes, representing the Center for Whole Communities in Vermont, and workshops on fundraising, the Merrimack River conservation plan, and wildlife protection.