School Board Minutes, March 18, 2014

Condensed from approved minutes

Board Present: Don Gould, Michelle Dudek, Anne Swayze, and Charlie McCrave

Administration Present: Mike Martin, Christine Barry, Robin Heins, Kathleen Boucher, Jane Slayton, and Judith Turk

Public Present: Tina Cotton

Election of Chairperson: Charlie made the motion that Don Gould continue to serve as the Andover School Board Chairperson until the full Board is available and a special meeting can be scheduled to hold the election. This will occur prior to the next full Board meeting. A 24-hour notice will be given for posting purposes. Michelle made the second. All were in favor and the motion was passed.

Election of Vice-Chair: Charlie made the motion that Michelle Dudek continue to serve as the Andover School Board Vice-Chairperson until the full Board is available and a special meeting can be scheduled to hold the election. This will occur prior to the next full Board meeting. A 24-hour notice will be given for posting purposes. Michelle made the second. All were in favor and the motion was passed.

Appointment of Alternate Signer: Dennis Fenton will remain in this position unless he chooses not to. Robin will confirm this. Charlie made the motion that Dennis Fenton will continue as the Alternate Signer. Michelle made the second. All were in favor and the motion was passed.

Good News: Mike was grateful to be recognized at the annual School District Meeting. The meeting was successful and positive. The Merrimack Valley High School Girls Basketball Team was mentioned for their victory in the state championship. Two Andover students participated on the team.

Old Business

Transition Plan: Mike stated that a meeting will be held on March 24 for the purpose of working towards a seamless transition to the new superintendent.

Middle School Sports: Mike stated that the Merrimack Valley School Board will continue with the current policy regarding Andover students and their participation in MV sports. Andover students can participate in sports where there are no cuts involved as vacancies allow.

He asked the Andover School Board for direction as to how to proceed. Michelle stated that clarification of the protocol involving criteria, requirements, and cut-offs should be defined. A smooth process is needed and should be put in writing. Logistics should include direct contact with the MVMS Athletic Director. This policy information can be sent to the parents and published on the Web site.

Mike suggested that this matter should continue to be placed on the monthly agenda until there is more clarification regarding this ongoing process.

New Business

Review of Annual School District Meeting: The Board agreed that Betsy Paine did a great job as the Moderator. The meeting was successful and positive, and there was unity between the Town Budget Committee and School Board. Don will write a follow-up letter to the community to express gratitude for their support.

Facilities Study: Michelle passed out a brainstorming list of building needs. Information will continue to be communicated through Google Docs.

Mike explained a process for the receipt of proposals and provided a suggested timeline for the steps involved with the building study. The plan is to draft a letter to architectural firms requesting proposals. The deadline for submissions will be April 15.

The Board will meet to review the proposals on April 17 and will potentially interview finalists on May 3.

Board Chairperson’s Report: Don thanked the public for their support of the proposed school budget for 2014-15. He commended the MVHS Girls Basketball Team for their state championship victory. He announced that the Senior Project Exhibition Night at MVHS will be held on March 19. He encouraged other Board members to attend.

A non-public session followed.