The community is invited to the Lake Sunapee Region Center for the Arts “First Friday” program on July 4 beginning at 6:30 PM at the Mary Haddad Bandstand on the New London Town Green. All Center for the Arts events are free and open to the public.
This concert opens the Fourth of July celebration on the New London Town Green. On Saturday, July 5, from 10 AM to 4 PM, the Center for the Arts will host its third annual Arts on the Green, a juried fine arts and crafts show with 36 artists and craftsmen participating.
The Hopkinton Town Band originated in the 1850s as a brass band, adding woodwinds and percussion later. It survived until World War II, when it disbanded. In 1965 it was revived by Little League mothers, who were not satisfied with a car-mounted record player for town parades. They immediately mustered 10 trumpets, 10 drums, and various other instruments. The band was quickly invited to march in local parades. The Hopkinton Town Band was reborn.
The current band members come from 11 surrounding towns. The musicians cover all ages, from 20 to 80. They enjoy playing music and each other’s company. They enjoy new music and old music, including marches, show tunes, patriotic music, and all music from the ’50s, ’60s, and ’70s.
So, pack up the children, the blankets, and the folding chairs and plan to attend the July 4th Hopkinton Town Band Concert at the Mary Haddad Bandstand.
For more information, visit