Kent Armstrong and Betsy Paine were sworn into their respective offices as School Board Member and Moderator prior to the start of the meeting.
Board Present: Michelle Dudek, Don Gould, Charlie McCrave, and Kent Armstrong
Administration Present: Mike Martin, Christine Barry, Robin Heins, Kathleen Boucher, Jane Slayton, and Judith Turk
Public Present: Tina Cotton, Mark MacLean
Financial Report: It was requested that a maintenance needs list is provided at June’s meeting when the projected fund balance is given.
Board Chairperson’s Report: Michelle thanked all who participated in Saturday morning’s facility study session with the architectural firms.
Public Participation: Mark MacLean stated that he was happy to be present at this evening’s meeting.
Good News: Chris stated that the Merrimack Valley High School received a favorable report from the New England Association of Schools and Colleges. Also, New Hampshire Education Commissioner Barry has approved June 20 as the last day of school for Andover students. This was in response to the waiver request regarding snow days.
Old Business
Facilities Study: The Board and Administration met with architectural firms on Saturday, May 3, responding to requests for proposals. Three groups were chosen as final candidates: Marinace, Banwell, and Turner. Kent moved to nominate Marinace to submit a bid for quotation. Charlie made the second, and all were in favor.
Bus Stop: For the present time, a new arrangement has been made for a turnaround stop at Brick House Road. The previous turnaround property owner has been notified by Mike Martin of this change. The situation remains under review and a follow-up process will continue.
Transition Plan: Don reviewed and discussed the Superintendent Transition Plan. Mark is appreciative of the support that he has received so far. He has submitted a report to Lorrie Carey.
Other: The Board continues to pursue a follow-up policy with Merrimack Valley School District regarding sports participation for Andover students.
A resolution to the Andover School District property deed issue remains in process.
New Business
Don met with the Proctor Liaison Committee and discussed the mutual benefits of the relationship between AE/MS and Proctor Academy. Jane emphasized that SHARE Day is a community event and that Proctor is part of the community.
The Board went into non-public session from 7:07 to 7:27 PM.
Kent made the motion to have Mike respond to the parent request after a legal review of the documents involved. Charlie made the second and all were in favor.
Kent made the motion to nominate Attorney James O’Shaughnessy as the new legal consultant for the Andover School District following the pending retirement of current attorney, John Teague. Charlie made the second and all were in favor.