NH DES Finalizes New Rules for Bradley Lake

Fishing now allowed in all parts of lake

Press release

Paul Susca, a supervisor in the Drinking Water and Groundwater Bureau of the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services, sent this late-May update on Bradley Lake rules and regulations:

“The rule changes affecting Bradley Lake, now in effect, are the same as those included in the Initial Proposal dated November 13, 2013. Specifically, the line demarcating the more restricted, southern portion of the lake from the less restricted, northern portion of the lake was changed to coincide with the current location of the power lines that cross the lake; and some changes were made regarding fishing (it is now allowed in the entire lake) and allowing domestic animals in the lake (they are now allowed in the less-restricted, northern portion of the lake).”

Other regulations remain unchanged:

  • A person shall not build, continue, or maintain a privy, pig-pen, stable, or other buildings or structure in which horses, cattle, swine, or other animals or fowls are kept within 75 feet of Bradley Lake or within 75 feet of any inlet or tributary thereto.
  • A person shall not permit urine, sink water, or water that has been used for washing or cleansing materials, persons, or food to run into said lake, or into any inlet thereof, or into any cesspool, septic tank, or other excavation, or onto the surface of any ground within 75 feet of said lake, meaning the high water mark.
  • A person shall not deposit or throw a dead animal, or fish, or parts thereof, kitchen waste, garbage or refuse of any kind, nor manure of either human or animal origin, into said lake, nor shall they leave or permit such materials to remain within 75 feet thereof.
  • A person shall not permit the activities or conditions described above within the watershed area tributary to Bradley Lake, even though beyond the minimum limit of 75 feet, if the purity of the water thereby shall be deemed by the Department to be endangered.
  • A person shall not permit sawdust to be thrown or allowed to fall into said lake or into any inlet thereto.
  • A person shall not swim or bathe in the waters of said lake south of the power line that crosses the lake.
  • A person shall not use seaplanes on said lake.
  • No person shall use or operate any petroleum-powered boat equipped with any type of petroleum-powered motor in excess of 30 horsepower on the lake.

To view the rules in their entirety, visit AndoverBeacon.com/Bradley_Lake_Rules_2014.

For more information, contact Paul Susca at 271-7061 or Paul.Susca@nulldes.nh.gov.