First up, the two book sales: on Thursday, July 3, from 4 to 7 PM, the Proctor Academy Stone Chapel on the Village Green will be open to the residents of Andover, be they full-time or part-time, for the Andover Libraries’ annual Book Sale. We open again the following morning, Friday, July 4, at 8 AM and will stay open until about 1:30 PM.
Second, Betsy Woodman will speak about her new Jana Bibi book, the third in the series, on Friday, July 18, at the Bachelder Library in East Andover. Published this summer, Emeralds Included details further adventures in India of the redoubtable Miss Bibi, her friends, and her household.
Third and last, try an oldie and goodie. My book club read or re-read Fannie Flagg’s Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe. What fun it was, and such a perfect summer read, as Idgie and Ruth and all the other Threadgoodes navigate their way through Depression Era small-town Southern life right up into the 1980s. “Towanda!”